The Daily Nonpareil from Council Bluffs, Iowa (2024)

COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA NONPAREIL--MARCH 2 1953 PAGE SIX Seen and Heard TWO-CAR CRASH- Cars by Terry Shannon, 24, 780 Madison and Orville M. Alder, 33, 1919 Sixth were extensively damsion aged at Sunday Sixth evening, in Ninth a colli- A enue. Police said damage was estimated at $500 to the Shannon car and $300 to the Alder car. Neither driver was held. ONLY (5) MORE DAYS LEFT OF THE LUCEY-WARFORD JEWELRY AUCTION SALE.

GOING ON DAILY at 2 to 5 p. m. and 7:30 to 10 p. m. our finest Diamonds and watches still remain to be sold.


Scheel, 122 S. Main. Ph. 3-7563. Evenings by SAW THIEF TAKE TIRE Donald Way, who lives in the 100 block on South Thirty-seventh Street, reported to police at 4 a.m.

Sunday that he saw a prowler seize a new tire from his car and flee in another automobile. He gave police the license number of the car. DIAMOND MYSTERY SOLVED! Before you buy, insist on a personal offered under the clinappraisarasch featured by C. E. Baird, "THE" Diamond Merchant.

-Adv. ROCK for driveways and general dump truck work. Ph. EXAMINED AT HOSPITAL Steven Gruenau, 10, 156 N. 40th was examined at Mercy Hospital Sunday night after he thought he caught a chicken bone in his throat.

X-ray revealed no bone, and he was released. WHO READS this column? Bob Walton will send you 12 No. 1 gladiolus bulbs for only 49c if you tell him you saw this ad. Just Ph. 4059.

-Adv. WOMEN OF MOOSE- -Women of the Moose will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday at Moose Hall with the College of Regents holding chapter night program and formal initiation. PARENTS DEMAND SCHOOL BOARD HELP HANDICAPPED CHILDREN. Attend Candidate's Meeting T-O-N-I-G-H-T, 7:30 p.

m. Community ENLIST IN NAVY--Raymond E. McElroy 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. R.

E. McElroy Sr. of Randolph, has enlisted in the Navy the local recruiting station reported Monday. IF you don't know lumber- know your lumber dealer, Hansen and Hansen Lumber Company, 1009 Avenue A. Phone HURTS THUMB Ellen Livengood, 16, Macedonia, was treated at Jennie Edmundson Hospital Sunday and released after she caught her thumb in a car door.

MOVING OUT OF TOWN? List your home with Morse and Stipp Agency for quick sale. Just call 6691-we do the PARENTS OF GIRL-Mr. and Mrs. George Doumis, Crescent, are the parents of a girl born Saturday at Jennie Edmundson Hospital. FOR good wash bring your clothes to Automatic Laundry.

1501 W. PARENTS OF BOY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Slack, 919 Avenue are the parents of a boy born Sunday at Mercy Hospital. MAKE IT a bright, New Year for HER with Culligan Soft Water Service Now! Ph.

NEW SON-A son was born Monday at Jennie Edmundson Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mossburg, 101 Glen Ave. THIS WEEK'S ALMANAC Mar. 2nd-Mar.

8th Sun in Pisces Moon in quarter, 8th Morning star: Saturn Evening stars: Mercury, Mars, 9 Venus, 21 Jupiter Indian name: Hunger Moon 2 Or.6:48, 8.6:01t Texas declared Folks independence of Mexico, 1836. 3 TOr. 6:47, s.6:02† who Alexander Graham Bell, telephone inventor, born 1847. Bright idea share for party-liners: listen before you call, to be sure line is clear. 4 s.6:03t Chicago incorporated as a city, 1847.

party5 s.6:04t Boston Massacre, 1770. line 6 FOr. 6:42, s. Fall Antonio, the Texas, 1836. San find 7 Sa 6:40, s.6:07t 1st test of 2-way radio spacing transatlantic telephone, 1926.

First rule for party- calls liners: always replace the telephone receiver. 8 2nd S. in Lent makes Oliver Wendell service Holmes, jurist, born 1841. Common law for let party-line fine. users: urgent phone calls through.

Northwestern Bell Telephone Company for Lat. Long. CST. SEEK CRASH DRIVER -Police Monday were seeking the motorist who struck ck and damaged a traffic signal light on the north-east corner of Thirty-second St. and Broadway.

Police said the driver apparently missed a turn off Broadway. Witnesses were unable to give a description of the car. RE-REGISTER NOW for the Daily Cash Award at the following drug stores. Connolly Drug 2400 West B'dway, Hushaw Drug 138 So. Main, Stech Pharmacy.

501 So. 21st Wheeler Drug 3200 W. MEYER FUNERAL HOME, 545 Willow. Ambulance CARS COLLIDE- driven by W. J.

Greulach, 52, 530 S. 6th and John Cox, 16, 2421 S. 6th were damaged Sunday in a collision at Forty-first St. and Broadway, police said. Police said Cox car skidded on ice and spun into the Greulach car.

HELEN SAYS -Spring will soon be here, and she invites you to see the beautiful line of Costume Jewelry for that very "SPECIAL" gift. Kulesh Jewelry GARAGE- -For Rent. 2411 2nd Ave. Ph. BRUISES FOOT Theodore Campbell, 22, 24 S.

22nd suffered a bruised right foot when he dropped a piece of farm machinery. He was treated Sunday at Jennie Edmundson Hospital and released. HANDICAPPED CHILDREN Need special education. Attend Candidates meeting, Community Hall T-O-N-I-G-H-T 7:30 p. Adv.

PAST NOBLE GRANDS The Unity Past Noble n. Grand Club 388 will meet at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the IOOF Hall. Hostesses fill be Mrs. Amelia Cook, Mrs.

Irene Boyer and Mrs. Irene Cunningham. TOO far from old friends? Sell and move closer to cronies. Ph. "Mike" Roden at Winn Phillips Agency, Adv.

BACK FROM MISSOURI The Rev. Judson T. Perkins, 331 Ninth, Monday had returned from a business trip to Kirksville, Mo. COMPLETE stock-Heavy quality Tarps, priced. Katelman B'dy.

Ph. 8486. creasonably. -Adv. DAUGHTERS OF ELECTA Daughters of Electa will meet at 8 p.m.

Friday at Masonic Temple. INCOME TAX RETURNS- -Day and night service; 25 years' experience, A. E. Holt, 3-2287. -Adv.

35 Honor Students at A.L. Taken Into National Society A total of 22 seniors and 13 juniors were taken into the National Honor Society during an assembly program at Abraham Lincoln High School Monday. Each new member was presented with a red rose. oath was administered by Principal. Theron Stuelke.

President Ellis presided at the assembly. Speakers who discussed the various phases of the National Honor Society were members Jerome Lawson, Vivian Strong, James Stuelke, Charlotte Strong, Carolyn Shehan, Gordon Nimtz, Joyce Mynster, Shirley Jackson, Mike Gallagher, and Donna Basch. Musical selections were presented by Bruce Baker, pianist, and Barbara Frankel, vocalist. Sponsors are Mrs. Mary Ethel Pomeroy and Virgil Miller.

New Senior members, who must rank in upper 15 per cent of class are: Mary Lou Allred, Jean Atherest, Bob Fuhs, Barbara Marton, Richard Crowl, EverFlorence, ion Hanicke Beverly Healey, Barbara Hewitt. Edward Hoffman, Marion Holden, Donna Key, Earl Kizzier, Sandra Knott, Darlene Lake, Shirley McGehee, Harold Miller, Johnny Peterson, Karen Remde, Douglas Robey, Patricia Roennau, and Marian Teague. Juniors accepted for membership (must rank in upper 5 per cent of class) are: Jane Anderson, Gerald Beezley, Richard Burgeson, Judith Chamberlin, Jan Gravenkamp, Gloria Hansen, Nancy Hawks, Sandra Johnson, Sharlene Owen, Robert Proctor, Carol Rice, Geraldine Stewart, and Phyllis Whitbeck. Ailing Communist to Stay in Russia PARIS The French Communist party has indicated that it thinks its ailing secretary general, Maurice Thorez, should remain in Russia for the time being to avoid possible arrest. The sixth Conference of Communist Federations of the Seine addressed an open letter to the absent leader Sunday.

It outlined the difficulties of the party in the past year and the arrest and imprisonment of a number of its officials. Thorez has been in Russia nearly two years under treatment after a paralytic stroke. Dies at Ft. Dodge POCAHONTAS AP Services were planned Monday for Ivan D. Rice, 48, Pocahontas County treasurer since 1949.

He died Saturday at a Ft. Dodge hospital where he had been a patient since last Tuesday. Jewish Persecution ATHENS, Greece -Reports reaching Salonika by way of the Greek border town of Kastoria Monday said wholesale and relentless anti-Jewish persecution now is rife in Communist Albania. Orders Workers to Report Shortcomings WASHINGTON P--The Budget Bureau has instructed its employees to report any information they have of conduct by fellow workers "inimical to the effective operation, security and standing" of the bureau. Director Joseph M.

Dodge confirmed this Monday when asked for comment on a New York Times story saying such instructions were issued last week. Dodge said: "It is merely a notice to the staff that if they know of anything materially wrong I want to know about it and expect it to be reported. It does not assume anything wrong but if there should be I would be more concerned about it anyone in or ost of the government and will expect to take action through proper authorities and as warranted by the facts." The Times story said the order has aroused some resentment among workers who feel it carried a threat of reprisal in event of failure to report shortcomings. Governor Backs Chief Nebergall Mallonee, Kuester Talk Over Problem DES MOINES Reports of dissension in the State Bureau of Criminal Investigation were answered Monday by Gov. William S.

Beardsley, who said "It looks to me like a case of too many chiefs and not enough Indians." The governor praised the bureau's head, R. W. Nebergall, who was not available for comment. Recently, some members Legislature have discussed the matter. Two of them said they felt it was an administrative problem that Nebergall, the governor, or Pearl W.

McMurry, director of the state safety department, should handle. It was reported some of the bureau's agents took their troubles to members of the Senate and House. There followed a conference of two House members with the governor. Agent Complaints Some of the agents have comisn't being used as plained the bureau's equipment, should, and that agents are not being assigned to tasks out in the state. Some county sheriffs are reported to have backed up the agents.

Although Nebergall has declined to comment, it is understood his attitude is that the difficulties are coming from "a few troublemakers." Nebergall and some of the agents went 1 to Audubon Monday to testify in a case there. Asked to comment on the situation, Beardsley said: "Reps. G. T. Kuester of Griswold, and L.

Dee Mallonee of Audubon, visited with me about the matter and I suggested we have a conference with Nebergall and McMurry. Expresses Confidence "My appraisal of the conference was that it was very satisfactory to everyone. "I have explicit confidence in Chief Nebergall. He is an able, hard working officer. And I know the in which he is held, not only in Iowa, but in other states.

"It just looks to me like a case of too many chiefs and not enough Indians." Sen. J. Kendall Lynes, Plainfield, has introduced a bill to transfer the jurisdiction of the bureau from the safety department to the attorney general's office. Continue Case of Robert W. Peterson Special to The Nonpareil LOGAN The case in which Robert W.

Peterson, 35, of Omaha is being charged with manslaughter and operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated has been continued until the September term of District Court here. Charges were filed against Peterson after he was involved in a two-car cash Christmas Eve. A Missouri Valley youth, Morris James Kennedy, driver of the ond car, suffered fatal injuries in the accident. Have No Contest in Coin Election COIN No contest will be involved in the March 9 school election here. According to Secretary W.

C. Yeisley. Kenneth Adams is the only candidate for the three-year term. Glen Jamison has filed for the one remaining of the unexpired terms of Paul Harrel, who resigned because of ill health. Polls will be open from noon until 7 p.m.

at the Coin Town Hall. Movie Schedules: Broadway "Above and 1:37. 4:19, 7:01. 9:43. Liberty "The overland.

12:15. 3. 5:45. "Hurricane Smith," 1:30. 4:15, 7.

9:45. Strand "I Don't Care Girl." 207. 4:51, 7:42. 10:33. "Narrow 12:50.

3:41, 6:25, 9:16. IN OMAHA Brandeis "My Cousin 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:15. "'Savage Mutiny." 12, 2 2:55. 5:55. 8:55, Omaha "The Star.

12:35. 3:45, 7:05, 10:20. "Yellow Sky," 2:05, 5:20, 8:40. Orpheum "The Stooge," 12, 2, 4:05 6:10. 8:15, 10:15.

State "Stereo-Techniques," 1:21, 3:32. 5:40. 7:44. 9:55. "Star of 12:10, 2:21, 4:29, 6:33.

8:44. 10:52. Is Named King COIN Frank Bayless of Coin has been named king of the Northwest Missouri State College yearbook, The Tower. A sophom*ore pre-law student, he is the son of Mrs. Grace Bayless of Coin.

Obituaries Cravens Dies Shoveling Snow Is First Weather Fatality of 1953 The first weather fatality of 1953 was recorded here Monday when Charles Cravens, 80, 614 W. Washington suffered a heart attack while shoveling snow. Cravens was taken by the emergency unit to a local hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. County Coroner Henry Meyer said Craven's death was the first this year directly attributed to the weather. A native of Scottsburg, Cravens had lived in Council Bluffs 10 years.

Prior to that time, he had farmed in the Crescent area many years. Cravens was a member of Glendale Presbyterian Church and Modern Woodmen. Survivors include: widow, Sarah; two sons, Charles Joseph of Council Bluffs and George Hugh Seattle, one brother, Abraham of Indiana; and two sisters, Mrs. Fannie Lester of Wisconsin and Mrs. Sadie Cutshaw of Indiana.

The body is at Woodring's Funeral Home. W. E. Gaskill Dies; Retired Minister Services for William E. Gaskill.

90, local rest home, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Cutler Chapel. Burial will be at Memorial Park Cemetery. Gaskill died Saturday night at a local after suffering from influenza two weeks. He hortor was a retired Baptist minister and a member of Seventh Avenue Baptist Church.

A native Indiana, he had been a resident of Council Bluffs for over 50 years. Survivors include: widow, Emma; three daughters, Mrs. Mary Bowman of Jacksonville, Mrs. Lettie Walker of Minneapolis, and Mrs. Leila Ovington of Waco, two sons, Lewis E.

Gaskill of Fort Dodge, and Milton R. Gaskill of Huntington Park, four grandchildren, and eight great grandchildren. Anton Knudsen Services for Anton Knudsen, 84, local rest home, will be held at p.m. Wednesday at Rusch Funeral Home. Burial will be at Avoca Cemetery.

Knudsen died Saturday at a local hospital after a long illness. He was born in Denmark and had been a resident of Iowa 45 years. He moved to Council Bluffs from Avoca in 1952. Survivors include a son, Austin, address unknown. Mary Pitkins Requiem mass for Mrs.

Mary Ellen McEvoy Pitkins, 66, 1720 Eighth will be celebrated 9 a. m. Wednesday at Holy Family Church by the Rev. William Coughlan. Burial will be in St.

Joseph's Cemetery. Mrs. Pitkins died Saturday at a local hospital after a long ness. A native of Des Moines, she had been a resident of Council Bluffs 30 years. Religious affiliation was with Holy Family Church.

Survivors include: four daughters, Mrs. Glen Webb of Pocatello, Mrs. Velma Flannery of Panora, Mrs. Colleen Imbergamo of Alexandria, and Mrs. Richard Hamblin of Arion; three sons, D.

H. McEvoy of North Platte, Howard V. McEvoy of Council Bluffs, and Lawrence R. McEvoy of Pocatello; a sister, Mrs. Donald Goodwin of Council Bluffs: 12 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren.

Rosary recitation will be at 8 p. m. Tuesday at Beem-Belford Funeral Home. Gerald D. Manson Gerald D.

Manson, 39, 2804 Avenue died Sunday at Veteran's Hospital in Omaha after a an illness of six months. A World War II veteran, Manson worked for Union Freightways prior to his illness. He was a of York, and had lived in Council Bluffs 11 years. Religious affiliation was with First Nazarene Church. Survivors include: widow, Hazel; a daughter, Beverly, at home; two sons, Donald and Richard, both home; father, Olem Manson Bradshaw, stepmother, Mrs.

Florence Manson of Bradshaw; sister, Mrs. Bussard of Metaline Falls, and a brother, Lyle Manson of Bradshaw. Funeral services will be held 1:30 p. m. Thursday at the First Nazarene Church, the Rev.

Aleck Ulmet officiating. Burial will be Walnut Hill Cemetery. The body is at Cutler's Funeral Home. Funerals The body of Mrs. Elizabeth Brayman, 2701 Eighth who died Friday at an Omaha hospital, is now at Meyer's Funeral Home.

Services are pending. Mrs. Lottie Arnold Mrs. Arnold Dies; Active in Lodge Mrs. Lottie Arnold, 75, 821 Avenue died Sunday at a local hospital after an illness of six weeks.

state Mrs. Arnold was a president and a national representative of the State of Iowa in Woodmen Circle. She had also been in Harmony Chapter 25, Eastern Star. active. A native of Little Falls, N.Y., Mrs.

Arnold had lived Council Bluffs for 50 years. She and her husband marked their golden wedding anniversary in 1950. Survivors include: husband, Lester; a sister, Mrs. Alice Howell of Lohrville, and one niece. Services will be at 2 p.m.

Tuesday at Meyer Funeral Home, the Rev. Merton D. Wyatt of Epworth Methodist Church officiating. Burial will be at Walnut Hil Cemetery. Heart Attack Fatal to Peter Burhenne Peter Burhenne, 87, local hotel, died following a heart attack Sunday at Park Avenue and Broadway.

He was taken by the emergency unit to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Burhenne, retired, had farmed for many years about five miles northeast of Council Bluffs. He was a native of Germany, but had lived in this area for 72 years. He was a former member of the IOOF Lodge here. Survivors include: two sons, John and Carl Burhenne, both of Council Bluffs; two daughters, Mrs.

Mary S. Hiller of McClelland and Mrs. Cartherine Pierce of Jerome, 14 grandchildren and 25 great grandchildren. Services will be held at 3 p.m. Thursday at Meyer Funeral Chapel, the Rev.

Eugene Schneider of St. John's Evangelical and Reformed Church officiating. Burial will be in Hardin Cemetery. Meyer's Funeral Home in charge. Nelson Takes Over Harlan Home Post Special to The Nonpareil HARLAN- Rev.

A. H. Neison Sunday took over the post of executive of Memorial Home for here. He sucsecretary. ceeds the Rev.

A. F. Wiuff, who has resigned to move to Minnesota. The Rev. Mr.

Nelson served as pastor of Bethel Baptist Church here from 1934 to 1946. Since that served as postor of Galilee 'Baptist Church, Des Moines. Editor of The watchman, official publication of the Danish Baptist conference, the Rev. Mr. Nelson plans to set up an editorial office here.

New Movies "Sudden Fear," featuring Joan Crawford, Bruce Bennett, Gloria Grahame, and Jack Palance will open at the Liberty Theater Tuesday. The second picture will be a technicolor western, "Cripple Creek," with George Montgomery, Karin Booth, William Bishop and Jerome Courtland. Box Office Now Open at Hospe's! JOSE LIMON Dance Company Pauline Koner "Theatre in the Dance" This ad courtesy Hospe Piano Co. Lucas Houlng Betty Jones Ruth Currier Letita Ide ONE NIGHT ONLY! Tuesday, March P. M.

CENTRAL HIGH AUDITORIUM ALL SEATS RESERVED $360 $300 $240 $180 (TAX INCLUDED) Presented by Dick Walter Starts Tomorrow WIDE OPEN BOOM TOWN! TWO HITS JOAN CRAWFORD CRIPPLE MONTGOMERY Sudden Fear! LAST ALWAYS 10 DAY! LIBERTY a GOOD SHOW TIM "OVERLAND SHAM HOLT TELEGRAPH p*rnE DE CURIO JOIN IRELAND Nurses Elect 3 Directors Three directors were elected at the annual meeting of the Visiting Nurse Association Monday at Hotel Chieftain. Names will be announced after notification of the directors, Mrs. C. A. Rain, vice president, said.

Mrs. Rain presided session in place of Oda Sulley, president, who was out of town. The VNA sessions included an executive board, meeting, meeting, luncheon. ferAl included at the meetings were the presentation of annual reports and a speech by Dr. Frederick Marsh, member of the advisory board.

Mrs. A. Blanchard arranged the program. Farm Folk Name Sub-committees Plan Program for East Pottawattamie Special to The Nonpareil OAKLAND Members of the program planning committee of the (East Pottawattamie County extension have announced subcommittees for planning of the 1953-54 program. The program committee is headled by E.

J. Niemann with Mrs. Henry Beatty, Jack Denton, Mrs. Fred Hoeck, Ervin Koos, Mrs. C.

G. Watkins, Miss Maxine Watkins and Russell Swenson as members. March 11 has been set as tentative date for sub-committee meetings. A questionnaire sent to all farmers in the county will be used in the planning. The sub-committees are: Crop and Soils Francis Haas, chairman; Ralph M.

Anderson. L. W. Coons, Frank Pierce, Ralph Travis, E. H.

Woltmann. Livestock a and Marketing Raymond Schwartz; Darrell Carspecken, Glen Carley, Bryce Parker, Earl Williams. Farmstead Improvement and Farm Operations Everett Stroebele, chairman; Mrs. James Ralph Book, Mrs. Ivan Forristall, Mrs.

Harold Prist Orville Turner. Community Development and Public Relations Neill Thomas, chairman; L. V. Best, Mrs. Ralph Book, Ivan Forristall, Mrs.

Bryce Mrs. Orville Turner. Parker, Kenneth Parkhill, chairman; Donald Applegate, Merlyn Bintz, Mrs. Lester Coons, Herman Eilts. Mrs.

Lester Maxwell, Miss Phyllis Sievers, Mrs. Raymond Stamp. Family Living Mrs. Orville Fischer, chairman; Mrs. Bert Plahn, Mrs.

Everett Sievers, Mrs. Mrs. Earlin Fenn, Mrs. Jack Knox, Mrs. Earl Applegate.

NOW! BROADWAY Doors Open 12:30, 45C Till 6 P. M. THE LOVE STORY BEHIND THE BILLION DOLLAR SECRET! ABOVE AND BEYOND STARRING TAYLOR ELEANOR PARKER Added Joys! Color by Technicolor "CRUISE OF THE ZACA" Plus CARTOON! Airman to Serve 30 Days in Jail Automobile Hit Pole: One Passenger Hurt IN GERMANY-Pvt. Robert L. Johnson, son of Mr.

and Mrs. N. A. Johnson of 1624 S. 10th recentin Germany for duty w.arrived Armored Field ArtilBattalion in Buedingen, the Army reported Monday.

A graduate of Abraham Lincoln High School, he entered the Army in July, 1952. LADIES When you take DOWN your drapes, take UP your rugs, take OFF your. slip covers your worries will be over, if you will just call SOPER'S "LUSTERTONE" Dry-cleaners, 2-2567 at 3343 W. Broadway. A SOPER truck passes your door every INCOME TAX service.

Harry E. Ratekin. 222 Bennett Bldg. Phone PARKED CAR DAMAGED A parked car owned by Harold E. Thomas, 34, Omaha, was struck and damaged by a car driven by James R.

Phillips, 20, 726 Willow Sunday afternoon at Twentythird St. and Avenue according to police. NOT TRICK CLAUSES in the insurance on your deposits at the State Savings Bank. All amounts up $10,000.00 are fully protected against any JULIA M. -Reading.

Phone 3-5039. Adv. SUFFERS BURNS -Mrs. Ferne Addington, 38, 3008 Avenue was treated at Mercy Hospital and released Monday after she suffered burns on her right hand. She was injured when a book of matches caught on fire.

NEW LIFE for old clothes! Broadway Cleaners Laundry's Alteration Department will fit you to a "T'. Three convenient locations. Adv. TO UNDERGO SURGERY Allen C. Brown, 2902 Avenue Nonpareil reporter and columnist, was admitted Monday to Mercy Hospital where he will undergo surgery Tuesday.

WHEN CALLING A CAB Dial Red Top 6631 or Chieftain 5551. We lowered the rates for your convenience. John BLOODMOBILE The Red Cross bloodmobile unit will not visit Council Bluffs in March. However, the unit will visit Avoca on March 26 and Macedonia on March 27. 3 ROOMS unfurnished, ground floor.

Near Frank St. Winn Phillyps Agency. Ph. 3-5991 or eve. CUTS FOREHEAD Mrs.

Hazel Prior, 63, Route 4, cut her forehead on a piece of cement Sunday. She was treated at Jennie. Edmundson Hospital and released. TASTES toasts best 'Tis best! Switch to Quaker Bread and enjoy the UNITY REBEKAH The Unity Rebekah Mother Daughter Club will meet at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs.

Erick Neilsen, 2214 S. 11th St. RENTAL TYPEWRITERSWalter P. Smith, 693 Franklin. Ph.

TREATED FOR CUT- -Lawrence Caffery, 32, 1812 S. 11th was treated for a cut scalp at Jennie Edmundson Hospital Sunday and released. STEWART "Swede" CARLSON now doing business as Drywall Co. Phone Club of Jobs Daughters will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs.

Leonard Munson, 426 S. 1st St. MOTHERS CLUB -The Mothers Club of Jobs Daughters will meet BEEM-BELFORD Funeral Home Ambulance Service. Phone Adv. WOMEN'S DIVISION--The Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce will meet Thursday noon at Hotel Chieftain.

CUTLER Funeral Home. Ambulance-24 hr. service. Ph. Adv.

CIVIC DIVISION The Civic Division of the Chamber of Commerce will meet Friday noon at Hotel Chieftain. PALM GROVE--Palm Grove 11, Woodmen Circle, will attend the funeral of Mrs. Lottie Arnold at 2 p.m. Tuesday at Meyer's Chapel. TO EASE YOUR MIND IN TIME OF SORROW Our complete and sympathetic care to details will assure you of true perfection in this last memorial to your loved one.

Beem-Belford FUNERAL HOME Willew at 6th Phone 6669 Paul McCray, 20, Offutt Air Force Base, began serving 30 days in county jail Monday on two traffic charges. The airman pleaded guilty before Muncipal Judge Allan Ardell to a charge of reckless driving and a charge of driving with faulty equipment. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail on the reckless driving charge in lieu of a fine of $100 and costs. The 3-day term was in lieu of a $10 and costs on the equipment charge. The sentences will run concurrently.

McCray was arrested early Sunday walking on Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge, after his car went out of control at Thirty-seventh Street and Broadway and struck a large service station pole. After the crash, the car careened 300 feet with the entire rear end torn out. Police said McCray ran from the crash scene. Robert Hanson, 19, Offutt Base, was treated at Mercy Hospital for facial cuts and later released. Two other passengers in the car, Keith Hanson and Edward Berg, also of Offutt Base, were uninjured, as was McCray.

A third charge of leaving the scene of a personal injury accident filed against McCray was dismissed. Forfeits Bonds Edward D. Kennedy, 22, Omaha, forfeited a $50 bond on a charge of speeding and $5 on a no driver's license charge. Kennedy was arrested last week after he was clocked at 60 miles an hour on West Broadway, police said. Also fined were: Vincent J.

Dizonno, 22, Omaha, $15, speeding. Harold R. Duffer, 22, Omaha, $12.50, speeding. Franklin R. Ross, 28.

N. Main $1 and costs, Iowa driver's license. Others Robert forfeiting, hondporters Field, Topeka, Kan. speeding. improper planes and $3, no Kenneth Niarode, 22, Omaha.

$5, registration certificate. Raymond Ryan, 27, Neola, $5, running a red light. Thomas R. McAdams, 33, 729 Fifth $3, running a stop sign. File $21,285 Suit in Harrison County Special to Th Nonpareil LOGAN A damage suit asking $21,285 has been fild with Clerk of Courts Laura Leonard as the result of an accident March 25, 1951.

The suit is filed by Lyle R. Donn of Woodbine and C. J. Donn of Pisgah against Elliott C. Kaplan and asks $20,050 for personal damages and costs and $1,230 for property damages and costs.

Don was injured in the accident which involved a truck driven by Donn and a car and house trailer driven by Kaplan. Strand Now! Thru Wed. Technicolor! Music! Comedy! Donit Care" Oscar GAYNOR WAYNE LEVANT PLUS SECOND HIT! NIGHT TRAIN LOADED STITH THRILLS 'THE MARGIN RADIO CHARLES GRAN TAME MACOPELINE VUITE ADDED! CARTOON! NEWS! STARTING SUNDAY! "RUBY GENTRY" A Tribute TO OUR DRUGGISTS! How little do we appreciate the professional care and thoroughness of those quietly-patient men who compound our doctor's prescriptions! As carefully as the specialist diagnosis an ailment, these wizards of chemistry bring relief out of bottles. Your neighborhood druggist is infinitely more than a purveyor of commodities. He deals, too, in the merchandise of LIFE and he stands in professional stature only second to the physician whose science would be ineffectual without the dependable pharmacist.

"Your Friendly FORD Dealer" ROSE MOTORS 12 Fourth St. Phone 7721 We Salute Our Town.

The Daily Nonpareil from Council Bluffs, Iowa (2024)


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It is wholly owned by Lee Enterprises, Incorporated. However, our Site does draw financial support from advertising relationships with various third-party regulated gaming and gambling websites.

Why do they call it Council Bluffs Iowa? ›

By 1852 many Mormon settlers had decided to move west to Utah. The town was renamed Council Bluffs after a site approximately 20 miles to its north where the Lewis and Clark Expedition members had sat in council with the Otoe Tribe on bluffs near the Missouri River.

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Is Council Bluffs Iowa a small town? ›

With an estimated population of 62,056 in 2021, Council Bluffs is certainly considered a small city. But it's not just the numbers that prove this; there's a certain small-town charm here. Council Bluffs is a place where people take the time to get to know their neighbors.

Who owns the Daily Iowan? ›

Student Publications Inc., the nonprofit that owns The Daily Iowan, eventually decided to purchase the two papers, The Mount Vernon–Lisbon Sun and The Solon Economist.

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Thank you for using this service, which is owned by CNHI LLC or one of its affiliates or subsidiaries (collectively "CNHI," "we," "us," or "our").

Why are they called nonpareils? ›

Trace nonpareil back to its Middle French origins and you'll find that it comes from a term meaning "not equal." Pareil itself comes from a Latin par, which means "equal," and non- is a common prefix meaning "not." In addition to its adjectival use, nonpareil also functions as a noun describing an individual of ...

What is the meaning of nonpareil? ›

having no equal; peerless. Synonyms: unparalleled.

How do I contact the Daily Show? ›

The phone number is (212) 767-8600. Address the letter to The Daily Show or a specific person who works on the show to make sure the letter reaches the right office. If you'd like to cover all your bases, you could also contact the office in California. The number for that office is (310) 752-8000.

Where is the best place to live in Council Bluffs? ›

Some of the best neighborhoods in or around Council Bluffs, Iowa are The West End, Manawa and The South End. Consider buying or renting a home in one of these popular neighborhoods. Is this area right for me?

What is the ethnicity of the people in Council Bluffs? ›

Council Bluffs Demographics

White: 88.51% Two or more races: 5.66% Black or African American: 2.15%

What is the red light district in Council Bluffs, Iowa? ›

The historic "Council Bluffs' Red-light district" was formed during the late 19th century, when at least 10 separate brothels were located on Pierce Street east of Park Avenue with another three brothels down the block on the south side of West Broadway east of Park.

Who owns the Daily and Sunday Express? ›

Published in London, it is the flagship of Express Newspapers, owned by publisher Reach plc. It was first published as a broadsheet in 1900 by Sir Arthur Pearson. Its sister paper, the Sunday Express, was launched in 1918.

Who owns the Augusta Chronicle? ›

Get in touch with us about stories happening in your community, questions or concerns, and how to purchase our content for personal or professional use. This site is part of the USA TODAY Network and is owned and operated by Gannett Co., Inc.

Who owns the Daily Olympian? ›

It is owned by The McClatchy Company and publishes a daily printed edition.

Who owns the Daily Breeze newspaper? ›

In December 2006, the paper was sold to the Hearst Corporation in a complex transaction that left the paper under the day-to-day control of Dean Singleton's MediaNews Group and its subsidiary, the Los Angeles Newspaper Group (LANG).

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.