The Belleville News-Democrat from Belleville, Illinois (2024)


STEEL CUTTING A. F. Lebkuecher Kinloch 67 C. H. Burckhardt Corner and First Streets, L.

Lebkuecher BELLEVILLE, ILL. AUTOMOBILE RADIATORS REPAIRED AND REBUILT Emmm SATURDAY, APRIL 24th, Mr. Gustav Feldt, representing our Foreign security Department, will be at the Belleville House. He will be pleased to confer with anyone interested in foreign Securities, especially German Municipal Bonds. J.

W. DONALDSON Est. 1868. Members St. Louis Stock Exchange.

New York, St. Louis. STOCK FOR SALE. EGGS FOR MATCHING. $3.00 and $2.00 per 15 Eggs.

Why not buy your eggs here and see the stock you get them from, and save express charges? S. C. W. Leghorns and Barred Plymouth Rocks. W.

S. CAMPBELL, 36th and Main Streets, Belleville, Illinols, All stock bred for egg production, and trapnested. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED. LADY OR GENTLEMAN AGENT wanted in Belleville for Watkins' famous products. Watkins' goods known everywhere.

Big profits. Write today. Watkins Company, 51 Winona, Minn. HELP WANTED--MALE. PORTER WANTED AT THE BELLE ville House.

HELP WANTED- Female. WANTED! GOOD ALTERATION lady to work on Saturday, Apply Mr. Evans, 11 North High. WAITRESSES. WANTED AT THE Belleville House Ice Cream Parlor.

WANTED- -WOMAN OF FORTY FOR housekeeper for bachelor. Good home. Desirable situation. Apply this office. WANTED! -OIRL AT SCHWARTZ Confectionery.

SITUATIONS WANTED! BY COMPETENT LADY STENOGrapher. Able to do bookkeeping. and willing to do general office work in connection. Address Box 3, this office. WANTED -YOUNG MAN, 25 YEARS of age; must have night job.

Inq. at once at News-Democrat. STENOGRAPHER OR CLERKYonug girl with few months' experience. Has knowledge of general office work. Fair speed on typewriter.

Address Box '16," this office. LOST! U. S. NOBBY TIRE, RETURN to Fred Daesch, Smithton, Ill. Liberal reward.

FOUND. GOLD WATCH FOB ON PUBLIC Square, Thursday. Loser call 423 South 21st street. Wisconsin Farm Lands. magazine giving the facts in regard to the land situa tion.

Three months' subscription, FREE. It for 8 home or as an investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, simply write me a letter and say, "Mail me LANDOLOGY and all particulars FREE." Address Editor, Landology, Skidmore Land 126 Skidmore Marinette, Wisconsin ASSORTED NUTS vS PRATARE THERE GOES PTY TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS THE FELLOW wHO GETS A TIP ON THE STOCK MARKET AND PLAYS 2051 STORAGE BATTERY TRADE MARK REGISTERED The list of possible battery insulating materials contains dozens of different woods, fibres, compounds, natural materials and patent preparations, but there is only one good enough to suit the particular battery user- that is threaded rubber. You get it only in the Still Better Willard. Battery Service Co. STEIERT, Mgr.

11 North Third Street. Belleville. Illinois. Bell 272. Kinloch 559.

CENTRAL NEWS PHOTO SERVICE. NEW YORK. Raids by the police and military in Dublin have become almost a daily occurrence. After putting up a strenuous fight these two women were arrested in a recent raid in O'Connell Street, Dublin. GAS RANGE PUSH CART.

INQ. 611 North Illinois. EGGS FROM BARRED PLYMOUTH Rocks. 15 for $1.50. Mrs.

Walter Eyman. Bell 44F13. FOR SALE. 5-ROOM HOUSE. BELL 1094-W.

SEVEN-PASSENGER HUDSON AU. tomobile in good condition. A bargain. Call Kinloch 589. 1917 7-PASSENGER TOURING CAR.

First-class running condition. Call Bell 264-W; Kinloch 762. OLD PAPERS AT NEWS-DEMOcrat. 5c a bundle. SEVERAL SAFES.


E. A. Engelmann. COMBINATION RANGE, GAS AND coal. E.

Bell 1289. LARGE GAS RANGE. 106 NORTH 8th street. FORD. 5-PASSENGER, $300.

7 EAST street. SOFT DRINK STAND, WITH ROOMing house connected. Also suitable for boarding house. Call Kin. 279.

FORD SEDAN. ELECTRIC STARTer. Wire wheels. Excellent condition. $700 before Monday night.

Call Bell 1158. BARN. WM. HOPFINGER, OLD ST. Louis road.

WANTED--TO BUY. WANTED! ONE 3-HORSEPOWER motor, 1 emery -stand, vise, and drill press. Phone Kin. 1083-X. WANTED TO BUY! LADY'S BIcycle.

Call Bell 189-W. WANTED TO SECONDhand wheel chair in good condition, that I can run and guide with my left hand and foot. If anyone has a wheel chair as above mentioned for sale, kindly call on or write to Chas. T. Treager, care of County Hospital, Belleville, Ill.

FOR RENT. HOUSE AND ROOM. 616 EAST Washington street. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of William Frech.

Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Executor of the Last Will and Testament of William Frech, late of the County of St. Clair, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the Probate Court of St. Clair County at the Court House in Belleville, at the May Term. on the First Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims agamst said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having same adjusted.

All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 17th day of March. A. D. 1920.

FERDINAND FRECH. Executor, Millard McMurdo, Attorney. (First insertion Thursday, March 18, '20.) ADMINSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Paulina Germann. Deceased.

The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Paulina Germann, late of the County of St. Clair, and State of Illinois. deceased. hereby gives notice that he will appear before the Probate Court of St. -Clair County, at the Court House in Belleville, at the May Term, on the First Monday in May naxt, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are, notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having same adjusted.

All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 16th day of February. A. D. 1920.

JACOB J. KRUPP. Administrator. James O. Miller.

Attorney, (First insertion Thursday, Feb. 26, 1920) ADMINSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of George Fauth. Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the Estate of George Fauth.

late of the County of St. Clair, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the Probate Court of St. Clair County, at the Court House in Belleville, at the May Term. on the First Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to male immediate payment to the undersigned Dated this 11th day of March.

D. 1920. MOLLIE H. FAUTH, Administratrix. Schaumleffel Lindauer.

Attorneys (First insertion Friday, March 13, 1520.) PACKERS HERE SUNDAY TOTAL ON THE LOCALS Heralded as one of the strongest independent ball teams in the 22nd Congressional District the Morris Supremes will journey to Belleville Sunday to try odds with Schneeberger's B'9 at the North End Park. Last fall the B's had their hands full to defeat the Supremes, the scores in the two contests being 31 and 3-0. For this season the packers have Doc Schroeder on the mound. Doc attained fame as a finger in the Southern League. Next Sunday the B's play their first game of the Trolley League season with the Tri-city nine.

Tomorrow's game will start at 3 p. 11. The line-up: B's 5.9.: Kling, c.f.: Jones, Humpert. 1b; Latina, p. Witt, 2b; Silch, r.f.; Morgan, 3b; Schneeberger, 1.f.

Morris- Edmison, 3b: Wasem. 2b; Denton. e.f.: Bordeaux, 1h; N. Bordeaux. 8.8.; Werner, Malone, r.f.; Price, Schroeder, p.

A prudent mother is always 011 the watch for symptoms of worms in her children. Paleness, lack of interest in play peevishness is the signal for WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE. A few doses of this excellent remedy puts, an end to the worms and the child soon acts naturally. Sold by Walter J. Kohl, the busy druggist, cor.

Main and High streets. -Adv. C.L.C. TEAM PLAYS SUNDAY On Sunday afternoon at 1:30 the C. L.

C. will meet the strong Western Knights at the Belleville Stove Works park. The C. L. C.

is the Clover Leaf Club, a new baseball aggregation of this city in the 15-16 year old class. The game will be a hot battle from start to finish, as both teams are very evenly matched. The line-op of the C. L. C.

is as follows? H. Falk, If; P. Winkler, 3h: F. Nesbit, ss; E. Curle, 1b: N.

Elson, 2h; F. Goodall, cf; G. Hock, rf; I. Meyer, W. Hill, p.

The C. L. C. want games. For games call Bell 730: Kinloch 129.

Bids For Motor Dump Truck Wanted! Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned until May 1, 1920, 4 P. for furnishing the City of Belleville one Two and One-halt Ton Motor Dump Truck at a cost not exceeding $3,000.00. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. G. H.

BEINEKE, City Clerk. BUILDING PERMITS. Building permits were issued Saturday by City Clerk Beineke to the following: Mrs. Anna Ritzel, $50 summer kitchen 011 North 12th street: Carl Theis, $200 addition on South 16th street; Henry Werkmeister, $200 milk house on South Charles street. MARRIAGE LICENSES Francis X.

Isch. 29, St. Clair Township; Olga Charbulak, 20. Lebanon. Albert Christensen, 34; Lena Kettler, 28, both of Belleville.

Highly-Prized Coin. The half cent of 1796 is the rarest of all United States copper coins. According to a treatise on these obsolete coins recently published by a Chicago numismatist, the half cent of 1796, in exemplary condition, has brought AS much as $400 at a public auction sale. Personal Social Don't forget to attend the Concert to be given by the Lutheran Concert Band at the Liederkranz Hall, May 20. Miss Ellen Werner of Rural Route 1, New Athens was a Belleville visitor Saturday.

DANCE By Kronthaler Ladies. Wednesday, April 28th, Moose Hall. Admission, 35c. James and Juen. Mrs.

William C. Wedmann of and Walnut streets has issued invitations, for a bridge party to be given at her home Saturday, May 1. RUMMAGE SALE by Ladies of the First M. E. Church at the Northwest corner of the Public Square, rear of Michaelis' Drug Store, beginning at 8:30 a.

m. Saturday and Monday. GOLDEN SHEAF hard wheat flour: WHITE LILY soft wheat flour will please you. For sale at all grocers or at our mill. RICHLAND MILLING CO.

Stack up your supply of old newspapers now while they are obtainable at the News-Democrat for 5 cents a bundle. MARRY FOR WEALTH, HAPPIness. Hundreds of rich, attractive, congenial, willing to wed. Photos Free. Mrs Temple Los Angeles, Cal.

PINOCLE CONTEST Wednesday, April 28, at 8 P. at Ben Reissen's. Gibson Conservatory; mandolin, guitar, banjo, taught successfully; clug coaching our specialty; instruments loaned. Sold; cash, time. Write Box R.

this office. A birthday celebration took place at the home of Mrs. John Green. She was 76 years old. Those who were present were as follows: Mrs.

Phillip Voegtle. Mrs. Louis Schaumn, Mrs. Al. Browner, Mrs.

Lawrence Hahn, Mrs. Fred Green, Mrs. William Green, Mrs. Frank Green, Mrs. Louis Green.

EL vera and Rosel Hahn and Kenneth Green. There was a grand supper served and about six o'clock guests departed for home and wished Mrs. John Green many more happy birthdays. New May List of COLUMBIA RECORDS Now o11 Sale at LONG SONS only. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Miss Cora Rettinghouse's birthday was celebrated on Thursday night at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. John Rettingbouse in Prairie Du Long Township. The evening was spent with beautiful music and playing games. Plenty of cake and lemonade was served and all had a. few enjoyable hours.

The guests who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Christ Buehler and song the Misses Hilda Boll. Emma Birkner. Eliza Neff, Ella and Ida Gasser and Katie Krebs; Messrs Elmer Rettinghouse, Arthur Gasser, Hiney Armstutz, Oscar, Witlie.

Frank and Henry Birkner, Fred. Neff. Lester Vonderheit and Joe Krebs. All departed at a late hour wishing Cora many more such happy occasions. CA CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of the Car Try want ad in the News Demo grat.

They bring big results. Notice to the Public! J. JOSSEM, With Knapp's for 15 years, annonnces the opening of his new store with a fine line of JEWELRY at, very reasonable prices, and also expert watch, clock and jewelry repairing, at 113 West Main. He extends a special invitation to his friends and to the public. OTTO STRAUB IS ACCEPTED Word has been received that Otto J.

Straub of 628 West Lincoln street, was approved this week for United States Vocational trathing under the vocational rehabilitation act for discharged soldiers. Straub is being urged to take advantage of the wonderful opportunity offered him. FRED MEYER ARRESTED Fred. H. Meyer of this city was arrested Friday on a charge of wife and child abandonment.

He is held under bond of $600. Meyer is an oil truck driver. He will be tried the County Court. BROTHERS INDICTED Herbert and Otto Meyer, brothers, were arrested in East St. Louis Friday oIL capiases issued on indictments returned by the April grand jury charging them with receiving stolen property.

They were released on bail of $800 each. TURNERS TO MEET The Belleville Turners will hold their annual meeting Sunday Officers are to be elected and reports received. Refreshments will be served. George Simon is president of the organiza-1 tion. LOCAL PAIR WED, Justice Ben Lautz the marriage ceremony Saturday uniting performed, Miss Mary Lidicky and James J.

Brestal. In the wedding party were Miss Mollie Slosar and Joseph Lidicky, the attendants. DEATHS BERNHARD FEY. Bernhard Fey, 67 years old, a miner by trade, died at the County Home at a. m.

Saturday. He was removed to the institution two days ago from his home at 10 East street, where he resided alone. Deceased was born in Germany, July 29, 1852. He leaves. an widow, nee.

Eva Strantz, and the following children: Ernst, Christ, Henry, Annie and Lena. The funeral will take place at 2 p. m. Sunday from the Gundlach chapel to Walnut Hill Cemetery. RUTH HOFMEISTER Ruth, one day old daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Hofmeister of 407 Mascoutah avenue, died at 3 a.m. Saturday. The child was born Friday. The funeral took place at 21 p.

m. Saturday afternoon, interment being at Walnut Hill cemetery. JAMES ALLEN James Allen, 23 vears old. colored, resident of Centerville Township. died of tuberculosis at the County Hospital at 1:45 a.m.

Saturday. He had been an inmate of the institution for three weeks. When Buying a Used Ford SEE EDW. (Speedy) RODENMEYER AT THE Modern Automobile and Garage Co. ROCK ROAD BRANCH 35th and W.

Main Streets. OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS YOUR GETTING OLD Has this been remarked to you on account of premature gray hair, or do you keep yourself looking young You can easily do so with VAN'S MEXICAN HAIR COLOR RESTORO This meritorious preparation restores the gray hairs to their original color. You will be highly pleased with the results, if Got your money returned. At all dealers $1.00 per bottle. THE KELLS COMPANY NEWDURGH.

N. Y. HAVE COLOR IN CHEEKS Be Better Looking--Take Olive Tablets To have a clear, pink skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy like childhood days, you must keep your body free from poisonous wastes. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil) act on the liver and bowels like calomel -yet have no dangerous after effect.

Take one nightly and note results They start the bile and overcome constipation. That's why millions of boxes are sold annually, 10c and 25. PETITION TO PROBATE WILL. State Illinois.) St Clair To the April Term. 1920.

Probate Court Clair County. In the Matter of the Probate of the Last Will and Testament of John F. Seymour, Deceased. In Probate. To All Persons Whom This May Con- Notice is Hereby Given, that en the 27th day of March, 1920.

a Petition was filed in the Probate Court of 8t. Clair County. Illinois, asking that the Last Will and Testament of John 1. deceased, be admitted to Probate. The said Petition sets forth.

the following named persons as heirs at law and legatees: Minnie AL Seymour, widow. of said deceased. residing at 3820 Lincoln Avenue, East St. Louis, Illinois, and the Unknown Heirs of the said John F. Seymour, deceased.

You Are Further Notified. That said Will has been offered in the Probate Court of St. Clair County. and the 27th day of April. A.

D. 1920, at 9 o'clock, A. has been set for hearing. A. A.

MILLER, Clerk of the Probate Court of St. Clair County, Illinois. By. Hy. O.

Bilzing. Deputy. Dated at Belleville, Illinois, March 27th, A. D. 1920.

G. C. Borders. Atty. for Petitioner, (First insertion Monday, March 29, 1930.) HELP WANTED To Raise Belgian Hares for Food Purposes.

We need thousands of Rabhits. We sell healthy, breeding rabbits and buy all you raise. Easy and inexpensive to raise. A profitable pastime for men, women or boys. It interested, phone Kin.

721-R, or call at office of Interurban Rabbit Fur 4200 WEST MAIN ST. FOUND at LAST! SELF- ADJUSTING Nemo JUSPUL BRASSIERES SLENDER. STOUT 150 200 ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THEM THEY FIT AS YOU FASTEN If PERFECTLY WITHOUT your ALTERATIONdealer doesn't carry them, send money and bust measure and we will send you one for trial. Postage prepaid. HYGIENIC- FASHION INSTITUTE Dept.

23 Irving Place New York ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Anna Frazier, Deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Anna Frazier, late of the County of St. Clair, and State of Illinois, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the Probate Court of St. Clair Counts at the Court House in Belleville.

at the June Term, on the First Monday in June, 1920, next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having same adjusted. All persons debted to said Estate are requested 10 make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 22nd day of March. 1920. FRED Administrator.

Corner Holder, Attorneys. (First insertion, Thursday, March 25, 40) Old papers for sale at the News. Democrat office, 50 a bundle..

The Belleville News-Democrat from Belleville, Illinois (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.