User:Rampagingcarrot/Distant stars events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (2024)

These are events regarding Distant Stars anomalies (from Stellaris/events/distant_stars_events_2.txt).


  • 1 Thermal Driven Outflow event chain (id 1020 - 1022)
    • 1.1 Thermal Driven Outflow
    • 1.2 Playing with Fire
    • 1.3 Molluscoid Microwave Beams
  • 2 id 1040
    • 2.1 Bunker-Bot
  • 3 42 Years and 3 Days event chain (id 1045, 311 - 335)
  • 4 Silent Shout event chain (id 1080 - 1085)
    • 4.1 Silent Shout
    • 4.2 Azizians
    • 4.3 Azizians on the loose!
    • 4.4 Azizians Wisdom
    • 4.5 Ice Alien
  • 5 id 2000
    • 5.1 Shattered World
  • 6 Nefri's Pride event chain (id 2040 - 2041)
    • 6.1 Nefri's Pride
    • 6.2 Invisible Death
  • 7 Stranded Scientist event chain (id 3020 - 3021)
    • 7.1 Stranded Scientist
    • 7.2 Shared Knowledge
  • 8 Breathing Rift event chain (id 3060 - 3064)
    • 8.1 Breathing Rift
    • 8.2 Breathing Rift Outcome 1
    • 8.3 Breathing Rift - Debris
    • 8.4 Breathing Rift - Closed

Thermal Driven Outflow event chain (id 1020 - 1022)

Thermal Driven Outflow

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Closer inspection of the platform orbiting [star name] has revealed that it is of a complex, somewhat erratic, alien design. The waterproofed machinery and advanced climate control suggest it was built for a lifeform that secreted a rich amount of fluids, very likely of the molluscoid variety.
Before falling into disrepair, microwave beams were used to heat regions of the star's atmosphere, provoking large sustained eruptions that increased the solar wind outflow significantly. The energy was then harvested with an orbital mine.
The platform is designed around some highly experimental concepts.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:

Investigating Deserted Star Platform anomaly

Immediate effects:

Starts "Contact Report: Remnants" event in 30 days.

Repair the platform.

  • Issues Special Project: Abandoned Star Platform (STAR_LIFTING)

Enabled if:Does not have 1 of lasers technology

Weaponize the beams.

  • Issues Special Project: Abandoned Star Platform (STAR_LIFTING_WEAPONS)


  • None

Playing with Fire

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After extensive repairs the platform has been brought online and the star is now hurling massive amounts of energy into the cosmos. But the journey there has not been without its hurdles.
When the giant microwave beams were first activated, the engineers nearly set off a chain reaction that could have ended in a solar eruption so massive it would have blasted the platform and all system planets out of existence. As it turns out, the ancient alien blueprints and manuals were riddled with miscalculations so severe that the platform would have been inoperable.
Luckily the mistakes were caught in time, the strength of the beams has since been calibrated, and the solar wind outflow has been stabilized.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:

Finishing the Abandoned Star Platform (STAR_LIFTING) special project

A solar battery, just for us!

  • Add +6 Energy to star

Enabled if:

  • Main empire species is NOT Molluscoid

Ah, Mollusks. Mushy bodies, mushy minds...

  • Add +6 Energy to star

Molluscoid Microwave Beams

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It did not take the crew of the [science ship name] long to conclude that the design of the star platform was, in Science Officer [scientist name]'s own words, the work of madmen. The microwave beams were crude, miscalibrated, and would have needed much refinement before they would work as intended. However, they soon proved to make excellent weapons.
OR if all lasers technologies researched:
Our attempt to weaponize the Molluscoid microwave beams has failed... spectacularly. On activation, it turned out that the design of the beams was faulty beyond comprehension and the science crew only narrowly escaped the platform as it exploded in a magnificent mushroom-shaped display of scientific failure.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:

Finishing the Abandoned Star Platform (STAR_LIFTING_WEAPONS) special project

Enabled if:

  • Does not have 1 of lasers technology


  • Add %20 to next lasers technology.

Enabled if:

  • Has all of lasers technologies researched


  • Add +2 Physics Research to star

Enabled if:

  • Has all of lasers technologies researched
  • Main empire species is NOT Molluscoid
  • Xenophobe

Those Molluscoids had no business doing science...

  • Add +2 Physics Research to star

id 1040


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We have traced the unusual electromagnetic radiation emanating from [planet name] to a secret subterranean bunker hiding a mega-computer the size of a battleship.

Our researchers suspect that it may have been there for several thousand years, hard at work solving a single very complex problem, the nature of which still eludes us.

When the crew attempted to interact with the computer they discovered that the facility, which had appeared both abandoned and unguarded, was in fact operated by a security AI, the highest purpose of which seems to be frying its visitors alive. As the crew defeated the AI, it broadcasted a message to an unknown recipient.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:
  • Investigating Unusual Energy Readings anomaly
Immediate effects:
  • Trigger "Contact Report: Remnants" event in 30 days.

Scrap the mega-computer for parts!

  • Gain 100 alloys
  • Gain 50 rare crystals
  • Gain 50 volatile motes
  • 30% chance to add 1 L-Gate Insight in 10 days.

Use it to boost our own research...

  • Bunker-Bot empire modifier added for 10 years, giving the following effects:
    • Engineering Research: +10%
  • 30% chance to add 1 L-Gate Insight in 10 days.

Let it continue its mysterious calculations...

  • Gain 24x unity output (potential gain of350 ~ 1 000 000)
  • 30% chance to add 1 L-Gate Insight in 10 days.

42 Years and 3 Days event chain (id 1045, 311 - 335)

42 Years and 3 Days

Silent Shout event chain (id 1080 - 1085)

Silent Shout

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We have discovered the fossilized remains of a gargantuan gastropod, matching no previously encountered lifeform, trapped within a huge block of ice circling [From.GetName]. Its eyes glare fiercely ahead, tentacles reared and muzzle twisted into a gruesome grimace, as if locked in a silent shout. The creature displays no apparent signs of sapience.

The following description added if:

  • Has the Cloning technology
Despite its eerie visage, our scientists believe that if domesticated the creature could make a valuable asset. They recommend extracting some of its DNA for cloning.

The following description added if:

  • Does not have the Cloning technology
Unfortunately we currently lack the technology to bring it back to life.
Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:

Investigating "Debris Field" anomaly

Enabled if:

  • Has the Cloning technology

Clone it.

  • Issue Ice Alien Special Project on capital planet.

Space this abomination!

  • Gain Influence 50

It belongs in a museum.

  • Gain 12x society output (potential gain of250 ~ 100 000)

Enabled if:

  • Does not have the Cloning technology

Extract and store a DNA sample for future use..

  • (hidden effect) Empire flagged as owner of DNA


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We have successfully cloned a healthy population of gargantuan slugs from the fossilized DNA. They reached maturity within weeks, weighing up to 20 tons, and have developed a primitive level of sapience, responding to simple one-syllable commands. Though they have yet to show any violent tendencies, they produce a thick, toxic mucus when vexed, and their hue seems to shift with their mood. The research team has named them 'Azizians' for the hissing sounds with which they communicate among themselves.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:
  • Ice Alien Special Project

They will make excellent laborers.

  • Random planet gets the azizian_pops_planet hidden flag and 4 Azizian pops with arctic and Proles.

They belong in a Zoo.

  • Random planet gets the azizian_pet_planet hidden flag and 2 Isolated Valley deposits

We could use them in the army.

"Who would not want an army of murderous slugs with which to crush their enemies?"

  • Gain ability to build 3 Azizian Army units.

They are horrendous. Dispose of them NOW!

  • Gain 12x society output (potential gain of250 ~ 100 000)

Azizians on the loose!

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The Azizian gastropods kept in the Zoo on [Root.GetName] have broken out and gone on a rampage! The creatures, who were believed to have reached full maturity, continued to grow in captivity and have since reached monstrous proportions. They tore through the city, knocking over buildings like game pieces, leaving in their wake a trail of bright yellow toxic mucus. The planet will never be the same again.

Trigger conditions:
  • Has Isolated Valley deposit on planet with azizian_pet_planet hidden flag.
Is triggered only by:
  • By distar.1082 (which is not triggered itself?)
Immediate effects:
  • Planet gets 10 devastation and the Hostile Fauna modifier.

How dare they!?

  • None

Azizians Wisdom

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The Azizian laborers on [Root.GetName] have developed full sapience. The creatures, who were believed to have already reached full maturity, were in fact still spawn and are only now, in adulthood, reaching their full potential. They have picked up our language and wish to remain here in our civilization.

Trigger conditions:
  • Planet has azizian_pops_planet hidden flag and Azizian pops.
  • They are not being purged.
Is triggered only by:
  • By distar.1082 (triggered on a monthly pulse)
Immediate effects:
  • Azizian pops on planet lose Proles trait, but gain Agrarian and Very Strong

We underestimated them...

  • None

Ice Alien

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Following our recent breakthrough within the field of cloning, our scientists have brought the alien DNA extracted from a presumably extinct alien, found within an ice slab, out from storage. Restoring the mysterious organism to life has been a long-lasting dream for the department, now made possible through the miracle of science.

Trigger conditions:
  • Has Azizian DNA
Is triggered only by:
  • Researched Cloning technology

Give them the go-ahead.

  • Issue Ice Alien Special Project on capital planet.

They will do no such thing.

  • Gain Influence 50

id 2000

Shattered World

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Among the debris we have discovered the shattered remains of a formerly habitable planet. The patterns of fragmentation and charring on the shards suggest it was blasted with concentrated beams of thermal energy until it cracked from the pressure. This allowed for the mineral-rich core to spill out and solidify into clumps of high-quality minerals.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:

Investigating Debris Field (Distant Stars Asteroid) anomaly

Immediate effects:

Hidden Effect: Starts "Contact Report: Remnants" event in 30 days.


  • Add +5 minerals to planet name

Nefri's Pride event chain (id 2040 - 2041)

Nefri's Pride

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The armed vessel discovered in orbit of [asteroid name] is an abandoned military spacecraft called Nefri's Pride. Its light frame and evasion hardware suggest it was built for long-distance patrol missions, but it has since been retrofitted into a long-range stealth bomber.
Records of the ship's comms reveal it was hijacked by a rebel guerilla on its way to perform a strike against a secret complex called the Xvan labs, said to hold a weapon so powerful it could win them the war, when they were shot down. We have extracted the ship's destination from its navigational drive.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:

Investigating Armed Vessel (Distant Stars Asteroid) anomaly

Immediate effects:

Hidden Effect: Starts "Contact Report: Remnants" event in 30 days.

Send a science crew to the lab.

  • Issues Special Project: The Xvan Labs

We have no need for such a weapon.

  • Gain 50 Influence

Invisible Death

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Our scientists have returned from the Xvan labs unscathed with footage collected from the facility's security cameras. It shows lab scientists bound and gagged as guerilla soldiers pry open the weapon strongbox. But to their dismay, the box is empty.
Only minutes later the rebels can be seen writhing on the floor in intense agony, dark patches swelling across their bodies, then their skin rips and a gray unidentifiable matter spills out.
The matter continues to expand, swirling hypnotically around them, until one of the scientists activates the emergency system. Sprinklers douse the room in liquid and an electrical surge passes through it executing all living things. Here the footage ends. Our crew can confirm that the strong box was indeed empty.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:

Finishing the The Xvan Labs special project


  • 30% chance to add 1 L-Gate Insight in 10 years
  • Gain 24x engineering output (potential gain of500 ~ 1 000 000)

Stranded Scientist event chain (id 3020 - 3021)

Stranded Scientist

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The wreckage on the asteroid [asteroid name] is the remains of a vessel belonging to a now-stranded scientist - [new scientist name] - identifying herself as belonging to the hitherto-unknown [new scientist species] species.
From amidst the wreckage she somehow managed to contact [investigating scientist], the Science Officer stationed aboard the [science ship name], and is requesting to be rescued. She explains that her collision was due to malfunctioning navigational sensors, and that she has been unable to leave the asteroid for several years.
She claims her scientific knowledge to be without equal, and that she would be a valuable asset. She points to her survival as proof of that.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:

Investigating Spacecraft Remains anomaly

She may join our cause.

  • [new scientist name] joins [empire name] and will share her technological knowledge

No. Leave her.

  • [new scientist name] is left to her fate.
  • One of 2 options will happen:
  • 50% chance of [investigating scientist name]:
    • [investigating scientist name] gains the Adaptable trait, granting the following effects:
  • Leader Experience Gain: +25%
  • 50% chance of [investigating scientist name]:
    • [investigating scientist name] gains the Paranoid trait, granting the following effects:
  • Research Speed: −5%
  • Anomaly Research Speed: −10%

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The recent scientist addition [new scientist name] has put her knowledge of technology to good use. Her shared insights have pushed our physics research to new heights.

Trigger conditions:

New Scientist still exists

Is triggered only by:

60 days after Stranded Scientist


Hidden effects:

  • Randomly acquire two of:
    • Automated Exploration Protocols
    • Synchronized Defenses
    • Subspace Sensors technology
  • If all 3 of those techs are already acquired, then instead recieve:
    • Gain 48x physics output (potential gain of1000 ~ 1 000 000)

Breathing Rift event chain (id 3060 - 3064)

Breathing Rift

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The anomaly found close by [star name], however unlikely, appears to be some type of rift in space. It's possible the great mass of [star name] somehow caused it, but its nature is beyond our understanding.

The rift not only refracts and blocks light, but seems to actually draw it in and then push it out, repeatedly - as if it were breathing photons.

It is likely the immense gravitational pull of the rift has at some point inhaled in other things, as well. We should exercise caution.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:
  • Anomaly Project

Keep a close watch until we know more.

  • Issues Breathe In, Breathe Out Special Project.

It can be studied from a safe distance.

  • Add 4 to [star name].

The [science ship name] is at risk. Leave Now.

  • [scientist name] gains 300 experience.

Breathing Rift Outcome 1

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Many months have passed since the discovery of the rift near [star name] without anything out of the ordinary happening. But now, we have received reports of a large gathering of mineral-laden rocks pouring out of it.
They are ours for the taking.
Observation of the rift will continue.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:
  • Breathe In, Breathe Out Special Project
    (50% chance)
  • Breathing Rift Outcome 1
  • Breathing Rift - Debris
Immediate effects:
  • Trigger country event Breathing Rift Outcome 1 in 100 days. (25% chance)
  • Trigger country event Breathing Rift - Debris in 100 days. (25% chance)
  • Trigger country event Breathing Rift - Closed in 100 days. (50% chance)

Excellent. Collect them swiftly.

  • Gain 12x minerals output (potential gain of150 ~ 2000)

Breathing Rift - Debris

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Many uneventful months have passed since the discovery of the rift near [star name]. But now, we have received reports of a great stream of debris pouring out of it. It is ours for the taking.Observation of the rift will continue.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:
  • Breathe In, Breathe Out Special Project
    (50% chance)
  • Breathing Rift Outcome 1
  • Breathing Rift - Debris
Immediate effects:
  • Trigger country event Breathing Rift Outcome 1 in 100 days. (25% chance)
  • Trigger country event Breathing Rift - Debris in 100 days. (25% chance)
  • Trigger country event Breathing Rift - Closed in 100 days. (50% chance)

Excellent. Collect it swiftly.

  • Gain 6x energy output (potential gain of100 ~ 1000)
  • Gain 12x engineering output (potential gain of250 ~ 100 000)

Breathing Rift - Closed

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The latest data report from the rift's observation probe tells us that the rift has vanished. After drawing its last breath, the rift closed and left behind not even a trace of its energies.

Trigger conditions:
  • None
Is triggered only by:
  • Breathing Rift Outcome 1
  • Breathing Rift - Debris


  • Gain 24x physics output (potential gain of500 ~ 1 000 000)
User:Rampagingcarrot/Distant stars events 2 - Stellaris Wiki (2024)
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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.