The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


SITUATIONS VACANT. COOK- HOUHBPAfcLoUR an HOUSE MATD-LAUN-DREHR, 8 friends, or mother and daughter and friend, good home. Good wages. Eastern Suburbs. POSITIONS VACANT rpEIiEPHONISTS.

Capable, competent, txperlanced WOMEN, good kanwledge Sydney essential. Give qaullflcationi, age, and salary desired. THE AUSTRALIAN PROVINCIAL ASSURANCE ASSOCIATION, I JM1TED. GENERAL MANAGER. Annlleatlnns will be received from Dersona desirous of applying for the Position of General Manager of the above Company.

AnnHeatliMi must he made In wrtHnsf and should state applicant's age, experience, and salary required, and should be accompanied bj copies of credentials. AoDllcatlons should be in the hands of the Secretary not later than September 19, 1925. All aDDlfcatlons will be treated aa confidential, and should tie addressed to the Chairman of Directors, and marked on the envelope "Confidential." liEUKUK Secretary. The Australian Provincial Assurance Association, Limited, 77 King-street, Sydney. ACANCY, Amateur Lady and Gentleman, Juvenile, summer motoi tour, hisii-class pieces.

Anidy. 12 to 2, or by letter, TOM CANNAM, 24 Surrey -street, DarlingtiuriiL "ANTED, flmt-cliiss Carpenter. Apply 27 Grose, st, Cnmiienlown. 1T7ANTED. Stuart Machfnibt for -Robes.

7th Floor, Ilooin fl2, station Moukc, itawfion -place, V7ANTED, coinjtetent Forewnman, order dreumaking. Rawson Huyniqiket. WANTED, cumpeleiit 1. 43 Shepherd-st, city. It ESS MA HER by day.

Apply Bookstall, Railway Station, 7A.STED. smart young LADY, for Cornel Ii machine. in I Strand Arcade. VITANTED, smart Senior Saleswoman', general drapery. uiiair.

hing-st, newtown. MM 111 MS TS and FITTER. J. Grundy. Sydenham.

Jackson and Macdouald, Kent and Drulit sis. 20. Tom 'a Busy Shop, 604 King st, Newtown. WANTED, smart YOUTH as Messenger. 12.H Pitt-st.

Swain's, WAN ED, Ktroug Youth, drive horse. New Stiuth ll'-ad-rd. Edgecliff. Apply 167 WANTED, YOUTH, Job, corner McLareust and Miller-sU North Sydney. WANTED, TIPCAKTS.

sewerage farm, ATncllffe. Apply Contractor. Sewerage Farm. WANTED, BOY. Applv A.

Sainsbury, dentist, 226 Marricki i 'It-roiid, Marrick vl I e. WANTED, MAN" small Kaisomiiiing, "Water Paint Apply 11 a.m., RUCK LANDS CONCRETE WORKS, Centenniitl-btreet. Marrickville W'ANTKD, HODYMAKKH, Smart Men need apply lined to 'bus work, only Star mothers, voucn i hi laers, ftewiown. WANTED, Wharf Carpenter, used to pile driving, i i f-At rn r-i it vv oniv nrsi-cias man nern muwj, vvinnawiwu, (awori' jfiiy. W7ANTED, smurt, intelligent BOY, attend offlre, op- tion learfuinir Freixh Polishing.

Apply 7.80, G. Al LivemnoLst. citv. TANTED, BttY for Machinery Warehouse, On just leaving school preferred. Apply HANGAR.

GEDVE. and 16 Voungst. city. nTANTED, GIRL FEEDER for Printing worn. Apply to-day, STAFFORD and 21-28 Wellington-street, 8ydney.

ANTED. BOY, for messages, must be of good appearance. Apply KAUIO pimkibuiuku, WANTED, LAD, 1 years. Apprentice Jewellery Trade. Apply, with parent, W.

F. BEATON, Manufactur ing jeweller, im iia.v-sc WANTED, Painter, 1 or 2 daya, on who can do graining. Apply, Rlng'a Job, Peny-at, Lelch- hardt. D. competent Knlcker Trousers Machinists; wages; under good conditions.

II. J. Goebj ccirncr S39 Elizabeth and Bel voir sts, city, WANTED, Young Man for grocers 6hop, one with experience collecting oiuers. Aiinj(Jtnuc1 Lomea venue. neningiiin.

TTANTED, HOYS, sell papers, good wages, comniln- alon to smart ISOB. uuuiva naiiway oiaui S.vdenhimi, TAN 1' ED, strong LAD. for nnlkcart. Apply Will MUM, Mil vendor, Wetlierill-at. Croydon.

WANTED, well-edi just left selling. cated BOYS, just 1.1 yearn, and HOFFNUNG and Pitt street. TX TAN TED, experienced Countr" Newspaper MAN. Vv must be good reporter, accuitometl to general outside work, able to get hiismos. Apply -l- li.r.u., r-yoney, TT ANTED, Competent WORKERS, to cut, make, and VV Hnisb Plain Fuji Robes, for wholesale tirm.

Slate experience and price er dozen. 6261. Herald. WANTED, smart GIRL, for ligiit oflii-e work, one with knowlcilgc of typewriting preferred. Apply juriix uiao.i ana 03 Batliurst street.

7ANTED, smart young GIRL aa Messenger and As- sistant, and later oihce work. HANSON aud COMPANY, Robe Manufacture, 2-2 In rellc-teet i iTA tri i. Kmart IluY. lor our office. 15 to 10 i ot Hge.

Start this morning. Apply with refer ences 0 a.m. Good prospects tor improvement. KLECTROU Hlla Ma tnu rat -street. YATANTKD, for Esia LADV GENTLEMEN CANVASSERS, Esiate and HoMiies Agency.

GOOD OPPOR TUNITY. ROY ELLIS and 4th Floor, Room 10, 2S Martm-piacp. yuney. WANTED, experienced SALESMEN, to sell on com mission, in the suliiirliH, a High-grado PUONO GRAPH, on exceptionally eaiy-lcnns. THE ELEGTROLKON COMPANY, Ground floor, Manchester Unity llulldiiiffR, I8.i Elizabetli-stieeL ANTED, smart LAD, II or 15 years, to guide Blinded Tea Salesman, good wuges and hours.

Apply N.S.W. BUNDED SOLDIERS TEA 60 Marqua He-street, SYDNEY. 'ANTED, smart YOUTH, as ASSISTANT, ELEC- TRICAL STORE. Must supply personal references. ommeut-ing salary 2 per week.

Apply, staling ex perience, etc. WANTED, GIRL, for Office, one accustomed to small switch. Commencing salary 2.1 per week. tywn stating age, experience. Herald.

"Oi TH, for Furniture Factory, smart. 405 King- st. St. Peters. luted, about 16.

Apply News Agent, Five- SITUATIONS VACANT. (Two Hitet about 12 words). AN K.perieiieod WOMAN COOK wanted. Apply Bfironcourl, 8 Woolcott-st, D.irllngbiirst. VT COO-KE (King's Cook-lieneraU, sub rnnntTT.

Afternoon Nnise. Morning Maid. A l.Hi Kiii- st. -Wi iV ISefu'. Monilny.

Waiters, Ilomieiiiaid, and Gardeuer- 10. A OLNG GIRL, for Generiil Housework, s'lisll tain- i'V in. in Aiiyac-pnra'le. Soutli hensiiigron. Tthksi 4.17 Oxford -st, Tel.

7S1 Paddlngton. Do- mest (rated Lady IHp Gi'iierai, i.auiiurrBS. A LIGHT General, plum cooking, house inn Id kept. Kog. 36.1.

Mrs. Graham. 81 Uailway-sl. RoA-kdulc. MRS.

JONES'S, 204 Victoria-it, Darllnglmi-st. Housemaid. 3u; C'ook-Utindrr, Housemaid Waitress, 3i; General, A ONCE, young WOMAN COOK, for small board-htg-hnuse. Neutral Bay. King orlli 18W.

a u.uin' 40 Kliaubeth st onian Clief. cfe; Woman Cook, hotel; llonseinald, hotel; Housemaid- iiltroBit raiiiilrv Kitrlien Lad, city. others. A YOUNG LADY, to assist with house and children, liberal outing sand wages. BKLTANA, Brassie-street, Hoitdl.

AT KERRIGAN'S, 222 ictoria-st. DArlimrliurst. Frien.l& share rintlex. station. Daily Maid.

VlJbtferalM. AT Minn A It 111, ioo ni i-ni, oiiinnnie' Proud's. Barmaid, saloon, city; Wailress, Junee. Interview Cook, woman, 3. hotel, Southern line.

AT MRS. WOODI 'S. COOK station, 2 family, 4ft; MARRIED COUPLE, station. WAITRESS, city hotel, two. country.

30: l-OMESTH! HELP, fated III nil IV, i'i. ii i i -m nr.r.i, MRS. CAMPBELL'S, 66 El izaheth-st reel Cook, country, 4m; llnuspmaid-waiireas, how-rsl, HO; House-Parlour Maid, 2 ladies, 80; Mother and Useful Son, slat(on, AT Miss Oxford st, Padd Young Domestic, aauist all duties; Working Housekeeper, daily or resident; Daily aiwi Morning Helps; Latin-drosses. Cleaners, le. Padd.

076. A MISS WARDS, i A CHEF, woman, citv. 3, adult family, station. COUPLE. t.tfltion (no child); GENERAL, station, 3ft.

GENERAL. adults, i'J; rAKLQUlt maiii, Mation, A RNCLIFFE- Mol her'a Hell-. Young Girl, to assist XV witi ith children and light Imuaework, no cooking. ironing, or washing, sleep home. Sundays tree.

Thurellar. Dowling and Gtpps streets. Kog. m. MISS WELCH'S, II ELIZABETH-ST.

Housemaid, 30. Waitiriw 80, leading hotol, Goiilhurn. COOK-GENERAL, 2K, station, Walgett; llousemsld-Utin-sii taken. Coonamble. North Coast: Woman, make cake, scones, 2, city, no Saturday or Sunday work.

HOUSE SERVICE Cballis House, B3146. Unrrfed font ile. Cook and Useful. Orantre. 60: Mother and Daughter, country: Housemaid, private home, etiittirits; lonK-tietierais.

utuy ueipa, zo, so, 40. Others. Mother and Daughter, Cook and HoilBcrarlniir, suburbs. A SOBER, USEFUL MAN, Experience In Boarding House. Apply Manager, fi2 Macb-ay-street, Pott Point.

A MISS LAYARHS, tees 'House, 84 Martln-place. wf STEADY USEFUL MAN. 16, suburb, reference. MARRIED COUPLE, 4. station, referencs.

MOTHER and USEFUL SON, country home. COUPLE, wife general, 26, husband useful, AWARD WAITRESS, Kii, Club, bring relerences. WOMAN with a child. couutrv. fare Da Id.

COOKS. 2, 26: COOK-GENERA Hft. 5. AT AUSTRAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 1st Floor, 147 ELIZA BETH -ST (near Market-street). Woman tuuh, ow; su; (irnKKAti, light position, all same Hotel.

KITCHKNMAID, so; housemaid-waitress, so; housekeeper, no objection to child. 30: COOK-GENERAL. Bowral, 8fi; COOK LAUNDRESS, 85; HOUSEKEEPER, no oh-ei Hon child. 2V. LAD, about 17.

for Sheep Farm, 26. TJOY, pillk, kill, ride, north: Married AJ .1 o-flule. drew, child not objected, 180, West: Cook-Generai, i children over .1 yeara not objected, SO, Wsstj 40, lltefnl Girl. 14 years. West: 4ft.

North: S-i. West. Mln WILTON, 4 Castlereagh -at, 6th floor, take lift, new Htmter-BT, COMPETENT Cook-General, no bedroom, other help kept, wages wt. 1.144. "COMPETENT GENERAL, no laundry, wage SO.

War. 401. references, an ine Waverley. OMPETEN I' Domestic Help, sleep home, no work. fifM nulwleh Hill.

Sunday 1 tOOK. EXPERIENCED. Apply th references. Tu- day, Mrs. T.

F. KNOX, Bellevue UIU. Take Dover-road tram to Victoria-road. Competent general, laundry, four aiiuiis, oilier neiit, cnuuiry nome, near railway. Interview 11 a.m.

to-day. Mist PRENTER, Al Castle- rengnsTreci. ii.viii. lOOK-GENERAL no bedroom, no laundry. Mr.

RAMSAY, Kuring ffal Chase -avefioe, Turraaurr, Tlt wah. 841. FOB SALE AND EXCHANGE, TtrASSAGE TABLE, uphoUUied, at Brodribb and -L Fctitt Auction Sale. IB Rrisbane-st. city.

fl ALVANISEU IRON, eecond-hand, a and ft soung. p. wauii, ioi itontii-rd, Hoiidl. IB I.awflou-st, nice condition; Cot and Kitchen urue, cheap, jj iiiwrie-uhtr, iwvemy. 810, near offer.

74 Egan-st, Newtown. IVf ILKORli'H Picture Gallery. Belter Picture. Half snop prices. Her Majesty's Building.

"OOLLEH tsHLTTEK lor Sale. Bob Uttbam. 647 ueurne-st. ua; mi.r.u-t. latest model.

Alb, sell 10. 1 131 Macleav-Bt, DINNER bbli, new condition, suit man 0ft, 42-incn flitst. 131 Maclcny-st. STYLISH DINNER SUTS HIRED, 76 to 120. Sle, 4 to 6.

Save SHAW, 411 Philllp-at. B1107. 1.1 L' I SILK SHIRTS, 1211. unclaimed SUITS. 45.

814 PiU it. CA1.ES, Weighing Machine, auit all trades, cheap. H. and H. 427 Sussex-si.

Haymarkei.M3.ii3. Counter, all with, Aint-man paiuru. Bert Sutton. Parker-st. Haymaiket.

VflLLiNERY, CiMume Cm. Oan Stands, Minor. i'X Bert button. Ua.vmi.rket. Courtiers Wooden.

iMHrft, Miit any "hop. Pert Sutton. Havmurket. MARBLB Table. Oal; Chair, Mirrors.

Bert button. 11 Parker-rt. Ilaviniirket. IT OTI-L und boiiiitaiu-back Burs nnd Counters. Bert Sutton, 3 iMrKnr-Ht.

iiaynwiKet. Mill- Hutli liealer. good condition, cheap. flaigrve-it. rauQiugton.

BI.INDs, Tents, Tarpaulins. Uorce Hub, Tennis Net. Birkmire Coat. A. Junes, 27 Market-st, city.

CALE. Weighing Maclnnui, mil all trades, cheap. 1 II. und II. l.

ii Slit? llaymarlu'l. llulua. ICE (HrTS, 10 sons, lu Glasx Case. (Jonnlit. Unyne's.

117 Press I-it tings. M.tyne'.. 1 AS STOVES. Lurrka. snijll.

yl Metiers, Lote, XV; .1: Mi hi. Ward, 22 tllemnarii- map, 1JAIU life-itiee lenient STATUKS. want little a. pair.

also llaiiuaiu's Kath-hester, Xl. Cnogec. 1ASI1 and small Bacon Cutter for "sale. No reasonable offer refuted. Apply 85 Angelo- atreet.

Burwood. fiOWLLV tOR SEWINU MACHINES. Every Make. Lowest r-rleea. to yucen Victoria aiaraeta.

TlOWLKY bKWIMi MACHINES. XV Wilcoi and SiitKei, all beat makea. Writ' tffl g'larnntee. Ifl tjneen I'qurla "lAMICUAa. I'liutographic aold and xcniilRed.

Oreat variety at burftain H1TCIIMAN and 9 Oatlereagli-treet. iJlKliKClAS (how both wavi), 16 'earar guarantee, isin, on terms. 1 deposit, 3(1 weekly. THOMSON Agenta. OR1.KCTA MACHINES, 1310 terms.

Sew and 40 and 01 wiva both wa tiennrn street We.t THOMSON B1IO.S., GAS STOVES, on stands, Eureka, Enamelled, 310i lUlelghs, 2S; fuel Stoves, SO. BISHOP'S, 1411 Oeorge-atreet West. 700P HEEI-S, In small lota, aiiltRepalrera. Cheap. u.l, euA, ano u-iKKin, Federation-road.

Newtown. DAMPING. New Design Tent, light weight, and atorm proof. RAMSAY PHOTO WORKS. tS-W r.eorge-street.

near tjuay. 'Phone. BsBua. ENiri'INU iL CHINES and YARNS, Qroaaer and Precious Machlnea. tuition Drovlded.

E. O. Heme aind 247 near Matburat-atreet. SCALES TO SUIT ALL TRADES. For Geah or Eaay Terma.

DAT TON BCAI.K8 Queen Victoria llulldingi. MAH JONO, the ancient Chtneae game, oomplett in box, with Inrtructiona, 4 net. HERK MAN'S, 65 Byduey. PRAMS. 57; Puuli Carta, the maker.

A. M. URQUHART. Showntom, lUt Eing-ctreet. Kewtown.

Frfe delivery all auburha. IftOB; ELKCTKIOAL APPUANCES, MACIHliEnY, FANS, KITTINCS, and WIRELESS EQUIPMENT, hendltig. "Electrical, etc." A It JI Ovcvcoats (IMW), SOoz "Khaki cloth, ull wool, guaranteed equal to new, 270. THE STATE OUTFITTERS, 161-S Ueorge -street. IL'RS.

nigg*r Brown Stolei, 70 16, 80; Coat, niffger, 5, made to meaaure: Chltd'a, 85. F. Pilvcrt.tuiif(lt.B.. lurrier. Merrylanda.

Stamp, price Hrt ONE Hundred and KpvenTvnve tAMPl.E SUIT LENGTHS from 60 the auit, to measure. Simple Overcoats, belted, from UUS. THE BLUE HOUSE, lftjt'orge-atreet, Sydney. OAMPLK'TROUskrs frorn 48 Samnle" Suit. (O In Serges and Worsteda, from THE BLUE HOUSE, llnia Ueorge-etrert, Sj dney, 2 doora twn olK ano Mrny.

RI 1 111 WARMERS, double lireaxted. dyed navy. vi oniy. Dved Navy Tunica. 78, Send for catalogue.

THE STATE OUTFITTERS, 101-3 George -street Sydiioy, near Circular Quay. rOATSRLOS. CHOKERS, tanned, Dved, and nude up complete within 14 daya. WRITE drBigiu'd ratalogUft free. PAltRAMATTA rimHlRRS.

OEOmiE-STREET, PARUAMATTA IUR SKINS. Own Factury and Double Stall working ermlilea us to complete your orders wtib your own akina in 14 dava. WHY WAll PAltRAMATTA FURRIERS, PARRAMATTA. STEEL SAFES. "BRISTOL." KTEEL SAFES.

ALL SIZES IN STOCK. ARTHUR K. STUH HBURY and COMPANY, W-20 OA RI NtlTON -STREET. shoes, shoes. 1000 Pain of Ijidlea' and Maids' Shoes, finest make In Sidney, all sizes, ft11 pair.

Worth 476. Alf rear Foy'a Furniture ft Clarke-at. CJCALES. the BARNES, LATEST, BEST, suit all Vj trades. A1o la mo assorlmnnt Da tons.

To Ivdim, Avcrya, tiitten in exchange, for Kiile, cheap, canh tr terms. n.iif,rt mj.M'Cs uenirai nanwuy nuiiu' inss, 4 SO Pitt-atrcct. M3788. tJELLlNfi OUT SAlS" 2000 pairs Men'a and Ladies' rnoi' at any prire. ueiau ano wnoiemr, latest FnRhiniia.

Patenta and all kiudu of Footwear. Also Plan nf Fittings at 1(1 tir -street. Newtown. AVERys AUTOMATIC SCALES. Save Shopkeepers pounds by their infallible accuracy.

Theyr'e all-Sritlsli, aud tbere'a a apeclal model for every dais I traae. W. and T. AVERY. W-Pl QUAY -ST (adjacent Orchard 'a Corner fp0LEI)O New and Second-hand Machlnea.

HEKKliL. Sl.iueits nought and sold. JACKSON BOILERS leoaned and Repaired. II Oil ART MINCERS. Easy Terms.

TOLEDO UEKKEL City 6044, top of Went wort h-a venue. TIMBER. Hardwood, Oregon, new and accond-band; Iron, all sizes, from Ad per sheet; Coppers, Bath, fifnka, Tuha, and Stoves. Moving Picture Machine, In good order, dies p. 8 Hoists, suitable for factory.

At J. FENEC'S, 202 Chalmers-street, and 406 city. A AUK FOR TOOLS. Paint and VamWi Remover, (hi. 11; Silvafrcw, 9d, 14.

26; Gold Eoamel, QUKKX VirrOHjA HlIILniNOS. OAVAUK FOR Stocks and Dies on Caws, lO sfivcriil ranKes, Wliitworth or B.A. Thread. 13 t. 1 lflO.

22, Ulfi. QUEEN VIOTOUIA BUlLDIXtiS, CHOP FURNISHING UPON TERMS. Counters, Olass, or Oak. Cash Registers, American, National, etc, from 12: PCALES, Dayton, Toledo, Avery, from Bacon and Bread Slleere from 3. Tenua from 6 weekly.

We ran carry you thrnuRhont at half usual cost and wy terms. CLAPUAM and COMPANY, 818 George-street, next Silvester's, 10 doora Irom Hunter-street, towards G.P.O. TWENTY YEARS AT TIPS ADDRESS. VT UMBER OF PIANO CASES. UX well R4sunel and ilne-llned.

ALSO TWO OFFICE DESKS, suitable for clerks using ayitem carda or ledgers. Apply R. H. GORDON and LIMITED, Old, SOI-8 George-street, Sydney. EWINQ MACHINE SPECIAL SALE.

BARGAINS. io obtain more room for our new All-British JONES ckwimi MACHINES, which we sell en easy terms, we have derided to clear our Slightly UMd and Second-hand lowing Machines at GREATLY KEOUCEO PRICES. The machlnea include SINGER, hEW HOME, PRICES FROM i. nOH 8EWINO MACHINE 4 Q.V. Markets, 8 doors from Market-street.

5NASII BEOISTERS makes). OOMPUT1NO, I ni-irru-r-a-ri rlliT KnAI.F.N. new. from 2111: BACON-CUTTERS, SHOWCASES, TABLES. CHA IRS, i.nuni evil.


TELFER (late 8ydn.ey and u'lbu'; 1 I ethanlc, national vain 'Vl-ri V.iiV AOKNTS Aba 1 hal anu lEO TICKING. Etirfllsh, icnes, Z' rmiu, shop AHKROEEN. 42 Inchsa. extra TOo sUlU'Vond.

w. P.arwt- wondarfui uii.l.etlon. tie. worth one guinea, FOUNTAIN PENS, 1-oarat ajoM nib, to 'SoWaPHS. 5.H.

cb. The beet, on me mare. in) RECORDS. Win. doublMlded, .11 otw, meat.

i tach. 1 dor. SALVAl.C M. BHey Bros. Oi.n.,11.

Ter-f ni v-Ta fitted. 3li Oonnters. glass and wood, any woods, Bsck Bans, Mirrors. Shelving, Partitioning, large itooKa. REFnRSFlMENT ROOM TABLES, Chairs.

Mirrors, Soda masses, IxilW Jars, Sunda. Dishes. Io, uream servers. PTE nEATEHS, Hot Water and Tea and Ooff, Uma. TUCKER ALARM TILLS, 80'.

BREAD and BACON SL1CERS, SCALES, CASH BEOISTERS. Wa carry the largest stocks In Sidney In abov, 11. WICK9, Id QUAY-STREET, Rallway-squnre, opposite Saintders'. F.tslillthed mil. TERMS ABRANOF.l).

'Phone. B1IW. n'yl'EWRlTERa. TYPE" HI 1 Hrw AO eVCepilonai npiwriuniir wnir, uurougniy Rebuilt Typewriter. Th.

following ar. aiamslu cf machinss llemlngtonfc No. 10 Via. CIO Remingtonfc briel Ms. 10 Yost Visible fmlth Premiers, Vis.

to Noiseless Monarch Rlller ml hin. STi. Wld. sslecllon of maebliM apart for country buyera. SYDNEY PIXCOMBE.

LIMITED, SOLID LE AT HANDBAds FROM tiardly unda th. money smTlng snap. S3' rrnart Orry Tweed tallortna. i rTr.mrT. Knvllsh made.

sis. 8 aw Ef. Tweed Suit. dk rfuide. tor knockabout i.

Vdl.o Bene, hand nude, alM .11,.. foe IreMl hnvera. oi aim n.n n. win. in.

mirae. fVlLlD LEATHER HANDBAC19. Lunch Mnk Mtong Snuir. Kit I2in. 14ln, 0 1 16ln, W.

Trunks, spic. demands quirk sale. l.rge S.r.toga Trunks, Ml Sipiar. Saratoga, mi, Tmnk. nerf.ot order, cost 8 7A.

Kvnt.stlna' American Trunk. stMl covartd, atronjly bras, tlttliwrs, IH" 'r "A aiUTARY OVERCOATS TO BR CLEARED CHEAP. oroROE (Sbiprlng rtnpply tlf usMzitmt, city, near Pyrnxnit irldf-. POSITIONS VACANT. BOY wanted for Florist's Bhopj" must be smsri Annlv MARINE LOU 1ST.

7 Loftuaatreet, Cir cular Quay. BRAiF1NTsHER, used to ale. Apply, tfady to start, SO Hembridgc street, Kogarah. Near Carl- ion oration. BOOT TRADE.

Smart Girl wanted, for Cleaning and Siting also Competent Patent Repairer. McMurtrie's No. 2 Factory. Redfern. Patnt ttllK and Dame Kiln Bum- era wanted.

KPKARE'S Temne Brick. Tile, and ripe works, King-street, St. reters. BOY, Merclianfa Office, one leaving school preferred. AddIv with narent or reference.

I i 127 1 ora-nnfcu BOOT SALESGIRL, experienced, wanted, iromedl-ately. Apnly 0.30, HER FORD 234 King-street, Newtown. BOY wanteO, for Office. One who can ride Bicycle preferred. Apply 9 a.m GRIFFITH Wentworth-avenue.

BOt)T TRADE. Wanted, Pump Hands, top-grade women's. SPENCER and GOODMAN, Bray-atreet, Krsklneville. 1 stop liefore St. Peters Station.

BOY wanted, 16, assist shop. Apply, with parent. 11 today. TOWN TALK SHOE STORES, 01 twiereitgn-sireeu BOOKKEEPER, (JIRL, previous experience, ledger, knowledge of tvDimr and music nreiVrred. Tern- uooo saiurv.

Appiv witn reierenw, WINKWOHIirS, 1WI Parra matta -road, Ammiidale. IthiTu-rd, Elizabeth Ray. 4 1ARPEM I.R wanliHl. Apply Hogg's job. Church and Kintr st-, Randwick.

iARPENTEU) fln-t-ilans Man. Apply Job, Gtbbs-et, Wllloagbhy. tliia day wautpil, good Hail only. Derri nmii jolt,, unse nay "UTTER, Female, for Robes, stock work. Sydney Mumirarturlnir.

us Liverpool -st. cuy. CARPENTER, smart tradesman, wanted. Innisfree, VIctoria-rd. Rellevue Hill, opposite Tennis Courts.

PARPEN 1ERS and LAUOL ItKRS wanted. Job, cor-" Viier Cleveland and Walker sts, Redfem. 1ANYASSKR for our crystal signs. Modem Sign Hawson-elia miters. (1 A Hi ENTER wanted for small jobbing work.

Detoiirthire-st. ritv, after 0. 212 CARPENTER, Ist-iluss tlxer, Hopetonn-ave, Kirkoswald-ave. Moman. Hull's Job, foot 1AHPKNTEK.

Moiimau. Hughes' job. Print Albert-street, wanted. Stewart's Job. Eart-st.

Neu- tral Bay, foot of Ben Boyd-rd. 1 AH i ETM A KER. to assemble Standardised Floor Vj Phonographs In his own workshop, waveney or near suburb preferred. 5250. Herald.

DIPPERS, girls: ready high wages to experienced start, 8 Market-street, LKRK (Junior), 17 to 19, ashlat Accountant, ex-v perience bookkeeping necessary. Oopy references and salary required to ESTATE. Herald. DRESSMAKING. Wanted, smart Girl as Apprentice.

Miss Kennedy, 887 Geurge-st, Sydney. months' exnerience also Apprentice. N. Allan, 112 Klng-st, city. DRESSMAKING.

Wanted, Working "Forewoman, also Improver. Mies Monaghan. 01 Market-st. DRESSMAKING. First-class Frock Hands, permanent.

Maude Ukcna. 203 William M. TENTAL. Improver Mechanic Neil. 112 Castlereatfti-st.

TkRESSMAKlNG. Wanted. APPRENTICE. XJ Hall. Bulldinga, lOftb Klng-at.

DRESSMAKING. Improver, good machinist. 22 Strand Arcade, city. iXPEiUENCED GIRL, confectionery, ready to start. Dillon, Bunnw's, 118 King-it.

city. IjMHbT-CLAHS PAINTER and PAPERH ANGER wanted. 1 After 9 a.m.. 120 Norton -st, AshSeld. FURNiTURE PACKER wanted, or handy Youth.

Apply 8 a.m., E. G. Glass. 63 George-Ht West. IilLOHIST requires young LADY, must be fully ex-' perienced in all work.

Apply MARINE FLORIST, 7 LoltuB Btreet. Circular uay, GIRIaS, for office, must write well. 20 start pendent Institute. 284 Castle reach -St. Inde- 10, for pressing Linen.

Scott, 645 George- GOOD smart PASTRYCOOK; must be good Decorator. Apply Blair's. Burwood. GIRL, educated, for office, shorthand, typing, tamiht exchange services. 6234.

Herald. aTVROI ERY. Sinart BOY, 10-17, good 122 IddUon-rd. Marrickville. 1 5.1KL.

light factory work, wages "2fi7I Display VJ Models, 111 uouinum-si. city. Junior. 18. Parramatta-rd, Letch hard t.

GIRL, leaving sell col, good conditions, purses, 6th Flour, Mcllrath's Chambers. Oxford -st. bags GIRL, 18 to 10, Confectionery and drinks, references. 254 Oxfoid-st, Woollahrau (IKLS, 14.15, leani sewing trade. Hardy Shiru, -T Frazer House.

414, city. IRLS. smart. 1.1-16 yeara, for Clothing Facfory. 3 Welliiigton-at, Chippendale, George-st West behind Tooths Hrewery).

1RL, airout 15, learn Lampshade Making. Apply 10 a.m.. Miss DOUGLASS, 6th Floor, National Buildings, 250 PiU-strcet. GIRLS, 14-17, leam Tie-making; Machinists, Presa-era. Sewing Hands.

Abbott, minor, 63-64 Bath- unt House, Bathurst and Castlereagh sts. IRIS wanted, 14 to 16 years, previous experience un- a iiecessary. Apply It. HITfiUES. 41 Bridge-road.

Glebe. CI ENTLEMAN'S SON, not older than 16 years, to I train all branches Station Work. Must be smart and well educated. References. Manager, Gunning, 1 0VERNMENT LABOUR EXCHANGES.

vT LABOURERS. Tlirwa Married Men with registration numbers from 13,831 to lO.OOU, apply 9 a.m. QUARHYMEN also wanted, H2 Oeorge-street. rircnlwr Quay. C1ENERAL CLERK, with shipping experience.

Age about 19. Apply, In writing, to ARTHUR H. HASELL, 31 Hunter-street, Sydny. GIRLS, tin labelling MUM'S Fruit Jelly Crystals. Must be experienced.

LOTHIAN MANUFACTURING 8 St. Peters-street, corner Bourke and William streets. IJODCAHltlERS. Udder Men, 24. Pictuie Show.

A-l. Gln.leaviHe. HAIRDRESSER wanted, must he good, clean Apply, with references, 159 Balmafn-road. Ufi'hbardt. HAT TR1MMF.R, experienced Men's Ronovatloiia, per-imnent, best conditions.

State experience, conRdentlal. No. 6244. Herald Office. SHIRE COUNCIL.

WANTED. CADET ENGINEER. Salary 104 per annum. See advertisem*nt this paper of 20th August. Applv hefore ntn HM'i r.

MHr.u. 1 MPROVERS for Finishing Robes, Lyons, Kent House. Liverpool -st. RON TURNERS. Vacancies for experienced Men, used to and Lasubson turret lathes.

Apply JOHN KiNKann nun, Allen-'treet, LelcMianlt. IUN10R CLERK, shorthand and typing. Argyle Rox Factory. 10 Ro'hford-st. EMkinevllle.

EWE t.LERS. Wanted, Improver or Bnv, slight know ledge of trade. P. Wray, 110a Oxford -rt. city.

TUNIOR CLERK. Smart Girl, about 17. a Telephonist, Typlste. Persmiallv to MORAN and rATO. LTD, in-8 Cleveland-st.

near Aben mmhie st. JUNIOR TYPIST, miiBt bt willing to work till 6 p.m.: also Friday evening and Saturday after noons, extra nay. Call 10..10 a.m., Motor bales. (M Parmmatta-mnd. Cutnpardown.


47 Parraniatta-rcad. i.iene. NTtTING. Experienced LOOPERS and SILK I D-KRS. Apply WINSLOW KNITTING LTD.

IABOI eni ABOUHKR. 2rt Edged iff -mad. WooHahra. ranee. Palmer.

A Hon It KR. with Hoist Driver Certificate. Apply I Liverpool -M. IHrllngliilrjt. I KG.

I lor Clerk, experience solicitor office. I tral Employees' Agency, 6 Ellsabeth-it. AD, strong, knowledge suburb deliver enlarge- 1 ments. Wvanitra Studios. 3HT ritt-st.

ABOURFRS FOR COiVCRKTB WORK. Apply 12 Peteisham. I Male JUNIOR CLERK, used to work of Offtre. Apply, with copies cre-dentinls. to 1R00.

G.P.O, IABOURER, with tools, for soft rock chopping and shifting sand. Job, Blair st, off MtUtary-rd, Bond I Beach. A UN DRY CAR DRIVER. Must be a Motor Me- A rlianic. EAST SYDNEY LAUNDRY, Barcotn-ave, pari In gburst.

svli HtllVUUKN. i GORDON CLARKE and LIMITED, Invite Salesmen to make written application for positions; In teams now forming to sell new subd i visions. Preference given to men previously empmyea oy us. App.y II. DEANS, Sale Manager, 'Phone.

B60J11-2. 60 Cnstlereagh -street, lj APPLICATIONS are Invited from experienced Life Assurance Producers for several vacant positions on our Field Staff. Only men of good appearance, and with clean records need appiy. "any iuiwiirv iw au commlaalon will be paid, with quick promotion to sue' ceteful represent at tvea. Applv, with full particulars of records and creden-tlntu.

f'iflier nerHonallv nr bv letter, to THE COLONIAL PROVIDENT LIFE AND GENERAL t.i'.. i4i. ACHINISTS. la'lies' coata and frocks. Beat wages.

a. Hniley nnd Betts 8 Oxford-st. city. II TACIIINIST for Dresses, also Apprentice for Bead- a. injx.

Mnrv Lee. 2 Flliidfrsst, iiariingiiurst. MACHINISTS for Robes. A. Knos, ftt Osfnrdat.

Apply ready to start, I'lLLINERY GirU. 21 years' experience: good A work1 F.mllle. 22 Strand Arcade, city. ATllON, for Churrh of England Boya Hostel, ino eioe Neptemner ii. u.

t). nrownnui. rarses. A ACtllMSI'. Smart Glrln for Aprons; must be i cood heinmeis.

14 Wentworth-ave. riLI.INER.Wiiuted, an APPRENTICE. Apply a MI't. lit st. Sydney.

TirxCHlNlSTS for Robes. Hands only. if Sy.lnev Muniihetiirlng. 88 UterptKil'St, MACHINISTS, rhlldren's dresses, good wagcaTTR. Wtllongliby, No.

6 Ralelgh-st. Attarmon. ESSEN GER wanted, reliable and Ko'ltntrom. 1t Hunter-st. MILLINERY WORKROOM.

Wanted, IMPROVERS, second and third year: also Apprentices. Apply THOMAS RROS. titirl rh An "II rACHlNIST. Rolves.

wises no obiect alnn flirla IrJL left school, team trade. Don Embroiderers, 9 MACHINISTS. Experienced Hands and Apprentices, for Robes. Apply Mr. Bellamy, Tht Mead Manu- lactorica, noor.

i iwmirsx-ar. Hr ACHINISTS. hlgh clau Silk Coats, perma 1A uent positions good workers. Yormovaky, Poster House. Pauter-st.

nesr Wantworth -ave. MACHIlflSTfC-First elsaa COAT and ROBE HANDS, constant employment, bent wages, start st once. Th Wllliitma Manufacturing i ma uouumm-st. TtfACIIINSTS (2), for Robes. Atmlv CHUNG LUN 1A i nH i er.mer Gloucester ana iMuiex streets, xvd ney, r.ear Nock and Kiroy a.

TfACiUNlSTS. Robes, Underclothing, Over- i'A alls, Aprons; also Apprentice and Junior tlnlsher. gfspeeialty Nckwr, 801 erah-a near Ooalbura-at -yOUNO aaaist light duties and child. 11 iW. long-crescent.

Bellevue Hill. Wav. 1403. YOUNQ GENERAL, Girl tmln, 2 eduluThSiSSn'. kept, references, pernmallv or letter.

ijuail. llelleme Hill. KM1S17. SITUATIONS WANTED. Two lines (about 12 l.J AN Actlv.

steady Man, pensioner, help in'dooTVna ouUlde. out of city. 1,21,2. H.r.1 A GENTLEWOMAN, young. coiiipsnUiiuble, Heln oi Nurw.

Biosa. ACTIVE MAN." garden and handy "mIirIS V. keeP! reference. 62j7. Herald ndreSra.

A SCOTCH young Woman, light place UrDTW people, sleep home, stanmore or uw7 for few hours dally, i per week SSS2.1 2 Cooks, dsily. GRkGG ni Jr4" and CHEF. SnlitoTir K- R1KD CttUPLE, excellent M.UtRIEll COUPLE, took and 4 R1EU COUi'LE, Sution General and Xti WAITRESS hh, for hotels or rr- "'''J'AIoS, daily or resident, waiting; DKNER -USEFUL, milk. 30; HOCSKMAV First clasa STATION USEFUL, milk, kill CARPKNTEIt-HLACKSMITH, station pivferred DAIRY HANDS, expert milkers, deliver ei DAIRY FAMILY. 6 milkers.

a- CHENMEN, YARDMEN. BARMEN. ing. 3ira. wuijuih, sz I'Ht-Mreet.

Rins BOY, left college, would like Position sheep station 61 Macleav-st. potts Point. BY young Man." well recoin mended, as Ireful or tT tendant. 66 Elizabeth -sL BARMAN, Iseful. thoroughly experte-icwl ili is7 ccllnr work, soher.

clean BY capable, middle-aged Woman, Position as IleliT with homely family. miss wke William-street Post-efflce. BI.dK)liViIiei,t IIC'V; Kll homni Cook-Generii, J-990i Kitchenman. Useful. SO rit.

i.nt.i countrj-, middle-aged Generala wafting. Call or 11 XMI.TL'lf I 1W. 76, Q'lEFS, Waitresses for dinner, lunch, partie "00K or GENERAL, hotel preferred, city" 1111111. -d Rose-t, rilv. requires dav iTF weilnrsiiays.

IVrsonal references. Uiiiiam IOMPKI EAT Laundress want MontJ clejnfnc, Jones, jf CAPABLE Worker wants a Milchell, P.O., William -t, nillfim M. hoiirs dally. tIJKF by cmnpetent young noitmii, hotel oTgWL house. Bo0-'6.

Wife. W.J.G., c.o. Ilomebiiih. Caretakers, Hustund attr P. Burgess, Lnderwo-l-t pOMPETKNT, Reliahle Cook or CnTlT-aT.

'niH family, gofid ref' rtnets. Herald. t0O KGKNERAL disengaged, ct i.ntry girl, rft-ura mendeil, 36, vicinity HnrltnsLi.tsl. KERRIGAN'S. Wm.

12. CAPABLE, companionable, rennd person, AtliflV'tL desires Domestic Help's Position in vicinity, dai'y position preferred, but not essential. No. UiO. Herald.

COO-EE AGENCY (Wm. 866) Rccommendi Djily and Morning Workers (1 Strathtield); Coon-Generals, Uouse-Parlourmaids, Light General (Cooee or Bondi); Houiiemaid (assist bar); Cook (lKiMor school); Houseman-Useful; Married ('ouples, Nurse. 1 UnLUa U. und SONS, lM Ca-tivre; e'l V- street. "Phone, City 47U7.

Estjh.ts.ifd 46 years. 8 Dairy Yardmen, used suburbs and 2 Milk Carters, Hrst-cluss n-terencfs; Miik and lie-liver, relerences; Dairy Farm Hands, 3u, if ploimli, 35; 2 Ploughmen, gt-ueral farm work (competent), drive waggon, usud all kind machineiy; ( Station I In rids, good sheep nn-n, ride, etc, J2 nn'iitlm' and 8 yearn; Station GnKiin, mi IK, kill, years last, place; Man Clif used nrst hotels, country, 2 years' referciiri; 2 flrst-clens Bakers and Pustr-cook, used country; Station Hot Cook and Baker, ti years' references; Surveyor's amp Cook and Baker, 3 years' refVn-nvej; Handy it-n, blacksmith, carpentering, windmill, nrst-clum also KiLuIinutneu, Useful alt bsr; Pan try man-Waiter, Useful Men, scrub, clean; Uardon-'i. CARLOS SIMMONDS, Manager, 1S3 Catstlen-agh-street. DAILY GENERAL discngaRed, eastern suburbs preferred; Laundress-Cleaner.

Wm. 12tf. DOMEHCATED i'ersou desires HMiek-epiiig I'otl ptnjau 'aH jjihu jo urn DlhENGAGED, Young Cook -General, Eastern buburbs pre erred. Mrs. Jones, Wm.

21 'I 1AILY Cleaninjr required bv experienced Wotnin. Turnharo, Hj3 Boundary-st, Darlinglni rst. JLDERLY Woman, good plain cook, good reference, capable, small wages. Address 16 George-itrcet, raddtnyton. upen a aas.

look after Im-ilid or light work. 44 Cler eland street, Pari ingu n. ENGLISH LADY, Nurse, requirts Ptviiuni, hah three-quarter day, very fond of cl.ildnn, t-i-references, Randwick, Cooogee, city preferred. H.T., 66 Belmore-road, Itar.dwlili. fpARDENER wanU Work, by day or week.

'Plm ARDENERS, Men for houms and window via. waiting. House Service ClialHs GARDENER has few daya vacant, 20 years' ence, specialist in lawns. Klni; Pet. 3M.

ARDENER, personal n'ieroiices, VJ (Jays. Botanic, 104 Willlam-st. CI AH DEN Kit, competent, dowers, aroom. milk, handy tools, not afraid worr. gtalner, clean, obliging, moderate wages.

CI OOD, respectable young Girl, oiw-ist all duti- c. i-w'l family; also good Cook. BURWOOD 268 Burwood -road. UJ4232. LADY rcquirea light housework, small wage, relcr encea, Ashfield, Granville.

1 Loftus-st. AshfieM. LADY Help, Protestant, desires Position, light duiKS, between Lmdneld and Turromurra, meals sioue, 5247, Herald. MASOMO Brother seeks Position, Waiter, loner. Steward, good references.

6246, Herald. XTURSE, experienced, care Invalid, assist hows- bold dubea. fee moderate. 6t, neraio. XT USE for infant, excellent reterencea; Chitdrea's and Invalid Kumea: Lady Help, suit lady or aid- erly couple; good Cook, Housekeeper.

NUBiB Daw INGTOIS p. B-t Martin-piace. u-uo. -DEFINED, capable Housekeeper desires roau gentleman a home, wioower. wemr.

13KF1NKD HELP desires Position, small aauit -AV ilv. no lanndrv. 11 Kurrey-st, Stanmore. EF1NED Woman would like Position as Daily Uttf XV ing Help, Monday to Friday, Saturday ii uedd. Burwoou.

GLKNVILT.B. P.O.. Barwi. fPWO FRIENDS. 16, Position together or close, vicin ity Vaucluse.

H. Grey, rpRUSl WOHillY Couple, refcieni, 'HJ'f talrem. Self-contained Ha IS, ments therein. Immp, inra.u. lliursday.

highly recoinineii'l ilrl WANTED, Clcaiiilig, 1 Ring Paddingti AAN i Cleaning and ilson, l-J 7ANTED, washing or cleaning by aa). 1 ue.Mia Artliur-st. Marrirkvitle. WANTED, wa-ihing nr cleaning, 1(11 iLtorw-i4. Lettisl.ain.

halKlsts iVVTrtl-n nH nfflce Cleaning, PainMng, Ka istnLjglit H--l-aiu. 1-yJWaj'L- TOMApTTuiies Day Worn or CieJOing. WJ tlsrricct. I ItltilO. i-HKr wanta Position, ciif or near wlf O.HAN CHKr want Position, cuy urlt, 0 yean iat noiei.

VV Ml Smith. Darlinytnnm Miienoi-i v- t7AMiftG, daily or res.tleiu U''yt vv ion-uen. iliitica. domestic, Ilousek per- "liw ACHLAN. 350 Geoige street d.ire VO? Amended? "im Herili OUNfPLAHY wants tjleanins.

ha ta -VTOUNU WOMAN wunis Laumlry or ClvuiM, 0y, nv ano Hiin-lville. iiwwHii. r-'j VOUNU MAKItlKI) COLfl.E with a cut in SB" a. desires ruhiiiu. on tm, ,,.1,1.

Y- ODKU Married Woman wnls worn, day, 6 half day. Open one week. No. 1'. ileraiu.

fOUNO Man wants. Sltuall1.1l on stalimi license. 20 ReiiM-i-treel, flaliiuin. liousflieH VttUNO Girl, Irom country, lie duties. isaIORTA S.

LALNUHES8E-S, IjtinidreKsea. North bhnre Line, no Uundresses. Cleaners. Daily "JJj; wailing. House Servh-C Co.

HLB1LU t3VDEV MOKMntl PER COPY. AUVr.nilor.c..-o. BIBT11S, MARU1AUES. UEAlllS, IN, MtMOBIAS, ON ACTIVE BEHVICb, ino -j" nMl MUST be properly authmllrated. Rata, up to 31, additional line 1.

rlotkei of BIRTHS cannot b. Inserted unleis sre duned by on. of th. parents. Notice, of MARRIAtlts cannot be Iwjn" veritled aa correct by th.

otnci.ting trar. or by production of th. marriage cert cajr. All 0.rd,.rtl..n,.nt. charged to u.

k. th. authorisation of Insertion, and slu*t, the of times they are to appear. No verbal cumtiiunltaii Whli'. ex.tcl.i.

lb. Proprietor. not ho lor tlKinent. through accident or to themselves tj gh to a ter or omH -f tlscmenU rec.lve.1 and paid for In ln" of buslneaa If thky appear to b. oblectlonaine.

or invfTiKMKST9 ar. cl.ulOsd a. fsr t.l fsr as for th. convenience of readers. LJ NO MS 0AT1ON CAN BE MAI.E UN THE OB.IWT OF i- THE ADVERTIsem*nT 1TSEI.V ivD OS 1 THE No guarantee Is given that advertisem*nts shsll sp- pear under any beading a No allowance, will be mult iiu 1 la- flsem*nt onlea.

I. directed on date 01 Clar.lno.tlon SJ reach th. oOe. b.lor. I p.m.

on th. day prec th. country ma, Cheque. Money Order. Postsl Note, or Eachange ahoold he added to country tMM For th.

convenience of dvertlMTS. replies vertlsem*nt. msy be sent to th. H'rsld 0J street, and b. called lor within 7 dt.

-responsibility I. In this respect. Vih.r. replies to r. addressed Herald Otflc.

an utr, rsW of b. ch.rged each Copy must be plslnly written In In. sJHrt being taken with proper names "MM tiseinenU not conforming to this nil. will oe inwum fMnn ffnur llnel. rMntH published b.

Herbert Bdwsrd of "OvMiden," Camhrldge-street. Wsnmote. John Palrlss and Limited, st lb. offlc Oompany, HuBtu-atmi. Sydnay.

rArHls'isr. axDerlenced. slna linn rovers, for aum 1U mer frocks. Arthur Brown, 28 Wentworth-ava MACHINISTS, experienced Embroidery or Scalloping marhlues, highest wages, NORTHERN LINGERIE FACTORY, 89 West-street. North Sydney (one sentlon juilHon roini).

Ilf ACHINISTH. for ROBES, -i-T t- Hlfl lirhest wanes and nermanent ooaltlona for ezptri enced Hands. SYDNEY COSTUME 60 Went worth -avenue. AOHINIHTS. J.U.

SENIORS. JUNIORS: tiao EMBROIDERER, to Ladiea' and Clilldren'a brettee. Apply LINDSAY Fraxer House, El ixanem -street, near itauwy. MUSICIANS. Wanted, good Amateur 'Cello, Bass, Trombone, Comet (we supply baas), join Symphony Orchestra, 26 join, fld week.

Practice Tuesday evening. Central Hall, Walker-street (uear Lavender Bay), North Sydney Orchestral Society. -Wanted, MILLINERS, ia 3rd, 4tn, and 6th years. Also APPRENTICES. A.

H. IIUNDT, corner Ivy and Rose streets, jisrimjrion. XfCRSKS" CENTRE, 9 Martin-place. B2732. Oenerala, OWtetrlc, 3a; experienced Nurses, Mental Nura- ProlmtiunevB, suburbs.

Matron WARD. XTl'ltSES REQUIRED, Double Certilluate, hospital. 6 per cent, on profits; others; many partly- inrd, private case; 0 Probationers, IW I Gover ned, HiHlnirst, Miss Maci-achlan, 8.W Oeorge-at, OPTICIAN, EFK A UTJON 1ST wonted, nun-t be tap-ahlv. able to take charge; good credentials. ALEX HALE, 113 Plttntreet.

PLUMBER, general. Apply Knox, new duts, Pnst-ofhYr, Wflljam-st, HI v. IJLASIEltER wanted. Flats over Shops. Glebe-rrad.

tllehe, near Bundv. TlLUMHKR. irood. cottaife hand. Curtis, Licensed A Plumber.

Ruilwayut, Hurslville. job, Held Hlllcrest J. "lit ale, Broadway, Enlleld. Murrell ami McLaggan. lit IVTKR wanted.

Howell TreiiKliain'a job, Chelmsford -ave, LlndfieM. Ti LUMBER, with license. Apply 8 Bniee-st, Brlgh- PAINTERS. smartT clean meet corner Ndson and Queen sUT WooHahra, 8.30. T3L.irEKKUS wanted.

Apply Williugs, Park St. RydJ. J. Iietween 7.30 and 8 a.m. YMSTRYCOOK wanfVd, smart aii-rounu nana, jauuo-X mn.

nit William st. Darlinuhunit. ULAhTERERS. 3S. New-xt, off Maiming rd.

Double J. Bay. Ulenileiming and Son. kl.4Ki'l-ti:KI!S wanted, Aply 17 Liverpool-rd, near Parramatta-rd. Suiinner Hill.

I NT Kits. hands. Apply 7.30, corner Riley and Liverpool si, it. uicMiam. FAINTER, used inanii'n jnh.

AllanVave, Helmore. JIASTEitEHS. trndesman only. it, uieiiuciiiiiiig. TiAlNTKltS.

Wanted, a irood Tradesman. 8 ciock, A Eastwood. No. 3 Mnrwlck-st, Strathfleld. A I.

ST IK, good Biu-b Hainl. Ui Blue Polnt-ro J. nrtli Sydney. PAlNTi leyst AINTElt. Murron'a job, Hlgga-st, Coogee, off Dud- 13AINTERS.

Wanted, Firetclass FAi-KttitAnuKii, must be smart MePt comer Watsoo and Birrcll streets, oork. -f rifiimrKca Ovlindpi- Machinist, if class Hand wanted for leading Brisbane bouse. Reply, stating exper.enc. xggjaW Female LETTERPRESS FEEDER wanted, must fMfirst-claa hand. Apply N.

LE ROY TlRCY, LIMITED, 62 Shepherd-street, off George-street West, near Grace Bros. HOTOGRAPHIO STUDIO. Wanted, young LADY First-class Spotter. Drlng references. Apply Section Manager, 3rd floor, Grose-street Building, GRACE HKOAUWAY, SYUJir.T.

K1 UBB1.E MASON wanted, Wuahington-st, Kogarah, near Queen Vjctona-st. Ii UBHLK MASONS CS) wanted. Apply Campbell Diiiflev-rd. Rose Bav. near Barraclun's.

IXiQUlllED, by old-established Finn, a Represents-V tive for the sale of High-grade Lubricutiitg Oilt. State experience and knowledge or ine traoe. MOTOR, Box 241, G.l'.O., Sydney. SENIOR and Junior Saleswoman, experience all departments. Hnskinir and 161 George-si Wet.

SMART GIRL wanted, aist music chop, age 16-19. Hurt1. XI George-st West. Oil ART. clean LAD, aaaist in bakehouse.

Experience preferred. Apply Blair's, Win-wood. CSMAR IO Wol MART voune GIRL, assist Sandwich -making. Ifl's. 11 Park-st.


rickrell, 42 Newtown. tHlRiS. Exp. rienced Machinists, also Button Uach inist. Central Sliirt, 00 Weiitworth ave.

MART BO, for Dental Depot. Apply Common- SlilH a. naiiidi. smart juimoi. iur Anex.

lu Abercrouibie-st. KIKTMAKERS. Wanted, MacliinisU, Pyjama Coats; i No able Tri'ii. Apex. Anercromme-'i.

CTIONEMA to J. Uerwick-st. off Mount-at, Coogee. N.

SMART OFFICE BOY wantel. A. Forsyth and Apply at once to 339 Kent -it, yoney. SMART MESSAGE BOY wanted. Opportunity for advancement for energetic boy.

Apply, 6TOTT nnd UNDERWOOD. 9 O'Connell -street. SHIRTS. Experienced Trimmers, Sports Collar and Stceva IlanrlH. Hrtl.

I.H.. hhtui-h. 'PAKE-TIME WORK at home. Folding Booklets; no Kill renuii llaymaikrt P.O. MART SALES LADY required, must have phonograph ce.

THOMSON bl next Fire Station, street Weft LUIIIITS, relinis Collar Hands, Beys' Ranger Hands. IO HARDY SHIRTS. Fraaer House, 414 Eliyuherh-ft. near Railway. STRONG BOY wanted, 16 yeara, experienced.

TRIANULK BO. tAUlUld, uringe-roao. ininnwro. PECIALTY SALESMAN. We have an excellent open- ine lor 1 live, emciem salesman, on nig" commission basis.

GENERAL PRINTING rarKer-sireer. iinmarKet. SALESWOMEN lor City Millinery Salon, musl have previous city experience, rtrile. Mating salary, age, E. P.ELFlEI.n.

2 Se iew-street. A-l'fleld. SHIRTS. Golf Cuff Hand, experienced Girl to sew on bands: Sleeve Hands, best pricea or weekly wage. Miss White, Minn r.uiuni, Pine-street, t.mppenuaie.

CJTAtiE. Wanteil, Ladies and Geiittemen Ainatcitrs for IO llrniiiMiie Compsnv. exncriein'C unnecessary. Apply after 7 to niuhl, MERVYN LESLIE, Leigh Horn, 233 'nt HereagU-strept. nty.

1MART. Ilandw Man, capable ulng land knife inch ine for eutling paper patterns. Honrs, 1.30 to in p.m. daily. interviev manager, is-v.

to-day. nnng references, noine niemn rmipn' Ser- and ButhU'st ylreets, Sydney, BU.KSMAN wanteil to sell Puno flayers and rnnno-graphs on Easy Terms. Experienced men can earn birr monev. Apply niter cini-K, THE ARIONOLA 3I PiK-ntreet. rlty tj TRAW HAT.

Mtjiiininin ior V' Hue work; Hlui inx Jiacnines, neea nuu uuinm. Also APPRENTICES. Constant employment. A. H.

HUNDT, corner Ivv and Rope streets. Darlington. -We reauire four ex iienenced SALESMEN, lo for subdivisions In fenkatown district. Retainer and eonnnisslon. Special rates to men who prove ineir selling abilities.

Apply to-nay, io iu.i. h.ui. FRED. BROWN and SON.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS, I IP WM.erfng'.-.s-M-i. SALESMEN. An opportunity is onered to capable to handle euMlvleion sltualed In rapidly- developing suburb, where the demand for land exists. Previous experience in tanq sen ing nov neccuwry. rales commission.

Subslnntlal sdvancfc with promotion to aalarie.1 staff for men of ability. Applv, ft a.m. p.m. dally. TUSTAIN and LEARMONTH.

Krmbla -building, Margaret -stree. i5hare salesman. An established and rrotrreiislye Company reoulres the services of two nrst-ciasa wnare faiesmeii oi nnrn re- nuts and ability to close sales tor country Remuiieratlon will be bv way nf salary, brokerac. and expenses, and preference will be given, to those having own oar. A big mnney-mnking opportunity mr ine ngni men.

Apply In confidence to SHARES, Box 242S. H.P.O., SYDNEY. SALESMEN. The Placlmr of an ENTIRELY NEW ESTATE, of about 400 Allotments, on Hie market during next week hue created ODUortunitiea for additional SALESMEN on our Man We require SALESMEN of good Character and Address, but NOT NECESSARILY EXPERIENCED in HEAL KSTATK. The niinnrtnntlv for LIVE SALESMEN la 01 en did one, aa the Sates will be support by extensive ptihlirirr.

and tne una is loratea in a nmuro WHERE THE DEMAND FOR LAND IS VERY KEEN. Free Inspection for Purchasers by our own Motor service. HIGHEST RATES OF COMMISSION. Apply, with references, a.m. and 2 p.m.

Dally, SALES MANAGER, T. M. BURKE Cast lereagh-st reet BtiKtH. rpiPCARTS wanted, short tip found. E.

Dorian, William and Riley sts. A ESS. Wanted. Trousers Machinists, Impror- J. tJlothlng, 10 21 Aliercminbie-st, city.

rpWO Good Qiinrrymen," Rubble. Apply Mr. gund'H Coach Factory, Arncllffe. a'JLK LAYERS wanted (competent). New Job, Ed ward-id.

Arncliffe: or Ri'ig Kog. fPWO Plsstenrs. Roger's job, Murrlverie-rd, near -a. Ilardy-sf. Motidl.

TA I LOR ESSES. Firs -clas torv nnlerfc. F. Kalniaii Trousers Machinist, Ml Kliralieth-st. 4f nA II.ORFASF.S.

-Good Coat Maihinlats and Table fl1AII.ORK.sS. COAT HAND. flrs law. work with man. Brooks.

LSI ritt-st, floor, near Mog-st, rpWOsmart LADS, 17 or 18 years old. Austral, 06 Harrlh-Kt. Pymifflii, IAILORESS. Experienced Coat hand required, perma- nent. W.

II. bee, izs i.iverpooi-wr. MACHINISTS, for Order J- and Stock work. Appiy sir. urew, F.

.1. PALMER and SON, Pitt and Park streets. rmiLOR ESSES. Wanted, flrst-olsas TROUSERS HANDS. LASKF.R and LASKKK, 4112 George-street.

TAILORESK wsTnted, first-class band, to make trous-era and vesta. A. PETERSON, 68 Military road, Stilt Mosman. OTVU anted to sell in. SPAR TH Don" Cash ReKl'tere 'X on con i in ion.

SPAR TRADING 1 Rawson Rnwann -place, opposite Central Station. TY PISTE and STENOGRAPHER wanted, for Diamond Merchant's Office; mu-t be nx perienced. Ring City 8410 between P.30 and 11 a.m. TYPIsffcT A yoiing dlrl required, must be good at figures. State previous experience, salary, and send oopies testimonials.

Annl Box 27T. O.P.O., Bydnsr. BUTCHERS' Cool Rooms and Refrigerators. We an Manufacturers of. tli Oraham Patent Cool Jfoora.

lao Agant, for tha lako Thermostat controlled Re (rigerators. Inspection Invited. b'TUART, WALKER, and 17s Clarence at. city. City urn.

U8 AT H. DAVIS'S, SYDNEY'S I.RAntNn irnnnrvn CHEAT CLEARAKCK Of UNCLAIMED ORDERS. 1U tsjs IsACKiriCliU KEUARULESB Or CObT. sApntvtnr. Whit Arctic Fox, Full Skin Far 30 16 6il MJiniA rurt coat.

BOMETHINO fVECIAL 95 50 14 15 8210 21 REAL MARMOT COAT, TRIMMED NATURAL SKUNK Larg, tVstrand Skunk Stole. rtcniy lined CONEY SEA.L COAT. Floral silk iineu 1010 Hundreds of other line, at equally low prltte. inspection invitea. Repairs a Speciality.

SKIDS Tanned, Dyed, and Made Up. H. DAVIS. 8YDNEVR LEAD1N0 FURRIER. Showrooms only, lloffnung'a Chambers.

13 Pltt-st. opposite Commonwealth Dank In Pltt-st. ON SAFES, ALL SIZE. IRON SAFES. Write or call for price list.

tiYMONIiy. 2iu Pltt street. mar Bathuret street. HOI.I. TOV IIE'-KS and OFFICE TABLES.

SVMUNDS. atm-2it Pltt-st, m-ar Rathursl. OFFICE ItKhtt, SOLID OAK, PATENT LOCKINli. Besl make. A Ulft at OIBrl.

SYMONIIH. gw-aw Pltt-slreet, near Batlilirst slreet. iFFICK TABLE. yJ Solid Oak. eft 3ft, 111 led drawers.

Worth atSS. Sell CVW. SVMONIW.5iiu.2ns Pitt-street, near Bjlliurit slreet. IJAHTNERSIIIP TABLE, Cedar, well made, LEDOER DFWK. TYPIST'S TABLE, 115.

OFFICE CUPBOARD, fitted pigeonholes, large size, 210. STMONDS, 5IR12IW Plttstreet, nesr BaUiurststreet TRON SAFE. J- Htted drawers, duplicate keva, al.V. KYMONOS, gtw-3a Pltt street. near Bathilr.t atreet.

IRON SAFES, large size. Worth S10. Sell 2ti10. MVMONDS, anW Pltt street. near Batliurst street.

ROI.IaTOP DESK. Imported Oak. best value obtainable. 12. Call and inspect.

2W-2D8 Plltalreet. near Biithurst'srrcet. (For contlnilallon see Indi'x to advertisem*nts.) DENTAL NOTICES. Two hnei about 12 worda). 2: Saturday, 26.

A hhV OF TEETH FROM 1 (WlNEA. Indoh i emu i snmonec House, Martln-place. A GENTLE DENTIST, UKNTIST PHILilP f- I will give you 6 it you even feel a twinge nhci I extract the Wort aharifutl I my work lor five yeara, and repair any rare inialiMD tree. I have inatatlpH mvrv mnHurn eluding X-Hay, thai enaurea the bent work and lewent vie j.u.1.. vuiiBuiugiiwui ire.

leruia arrangea. reta very aaijy, to (Saturdava Until ft n.m frri. .7 uic uuwi wfr. udbi AudrC! 0c''a', Corner, 7B8 (oppo- K. HOOK.

Dent at. tnav nm. h. m.lf1 Dentist Phillip Moses. Market-st.

corner Oeorge st M0FESSI0NS, TRADES, ETK Two lines (snout 12 words), il: Saturday. 28.1 ACT IN PIOTUREl-Udlel or gentlemen inWeated, call Ramster Photoplays. 34 Colleget. ASPIRANTS to a STAU1S CAREER will receive Thorough Tuition In Speech Training and Dramatic Art, combined with nractical tMiwiunn h. direction of Mr.

WALTER HUNT, eole examiner in New South Walea in Elocution to the Australian Music Examination. Board. Uutar EiwmtiAn th 2ni MDim wonvenc, otratnneid. I'rivatt Studio, rarK view unambera, 178 El Itabeth -street. A CCOUNTANCY QUAIJFICATION IS OF IMPORTANCE TO EVERY OFFICE MAN.

At the recent Examination of hotti the. flunmnii. wealth and Federal Institute of Accountants, the students of Hemingway aud Robertson secured more Aus- traiatian rirst Honour Places than those of all other tutors combined. The convincing evidence of these remarkable results. aud those of urevloua examinations, is a guarantee to let ending students of the thorough amciency of our privute individual Coaching System Write or call for a FREE copy of our Illustrated Publication, "ACOUUNTANUY." HEMINGWAY and ROBERTSON, The Accountancy Specialists, London Bank Chambers, Martin-place.

Sydney. BEAUTY CULTURE TAUGHT, all branches. Photo-player Competition for the best Shingle was won by Model from loudon and Parisian College. This is the seventh prize awarded to our college. All work done by pupils.

Ladies, gentlemen taujht. Wi PITT-STREET. ONFECTIONERY tastes. A. CROAKER.

SUtbn House, 6th door, Rawson -place, Sydney, will teach To-day at 2.U0. FREE, Barley Sugar; 3 p.m., 20 clasa, Almond Rock. Write or call for free partial- lurs. Distance no object. DRESSMAKING.

Race Frocks. Coats, moderate nrires. M)M Marks. 14 Stewart st. Uandwirk.

DRESSMAKING, Hetmvatimis, Costumes, Miss HETTY PEKIj. Room 17. 2nd Boor. Victoria Arcade, oppo lite Au-traliaj TRESSCUTTTNGT AUGHT, at ROSS HYNES' COL-U LEGE (of London and Paris). DRESSCUTTINt COLLEGE teaches for home use.

DRESSOUTTING DKESSOUTTINO DRESSCUTTING HRESSCUTTINO DRESSCUTTING Teaches for cms in ess ana proie.Hionui. Teaches designing and moili-Iling. Touches young girls leavlnjr bcIiooI. Employs Expert Lady Teachers. Teaches evenings, 6 to 8 for Business netta Ladles.

ROSS HYNES' College has a wondorful reputation throughout Australia. Lesoiia can be had IS for 80: single, 26. Note Address: ROSS HYNES' COLLF.OE, corner Pitt and Liverpool streets, over mys. ity tuo. tRESSCUTTINO.



for those desirous to engage In MILLINERY. business. Individual Instruct ion. Diplomas Awarded, Call or write for Prospectus. Mrs.

O. I. MrCABR (Principal), ASSOCIATED SCHOOL OF DRESSMAKING, AND MILLINERY, 284-8 Oaatlereagh-atreet. near Liverpool street, OPPOSITE i a. rnone, eioa.

TXTRA CASH AWAITS YOU. IjJ Ho man or woman need want for extra money now. Thoroughly simple ana proritanie worg. ira It at home In snare or full time. ho experience needed outfit tree.

Just mall the coupon below for partlciilara. nAuvirf-vniiMVDV rni.t.irriin GLADSTONE CHAMBERS, 00 PITT-STREET, SYDNEY. I am Interested In your extra money plsn. Please tell me all about It, but without obligating me in any way. Name Addreta Town FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANTS.

(INCORPORATED 1894.) ATinKS now belnsr received from CAN DIDATES FOR MEMBERSHIP in this Institute. The Examination io all States will be held on WEDNESDAY. Noveraher 11, 1925, next, and on following daya. For convenience of country candidate examinations will be bald in certain country centres of New South Wales, Application Forma, particulars of subjects, and list of hooks recommended, may bt obtained upon application to the undersigned. Applications anouia ma cm not.

uivt tuan DAY, September 21, Mt. Aa the Institate has divlsiona In every State, and Fiji members going to another State have their sUtus recognised. CECIL BRIEKLEY, F.F.I.A., Secretary, New South Walee Division, 2nd Floor, Manchester Unity Buildings, 100 CastlereuKh-street. Sydney. 1" NCOMK TAX RETURNS-prepared by Expert, 8 yaars Federal Taxation Department.

H. (. BEAUMONT, 82 I'ltt-xt. ilrd flnnr. Tele.


a Mneier oi inis proieaHion. No Worry, and avoid penalty for dcfanlL Just see me. A DIES' HAlRUREssiT profession Uioroiighl Uught. Over Paull's, Hveryool st. Cityji887.

rADlES' Hairdressers, Shingling, Uuster cut, UaSMge A AUKHU1AN UAIRDKESiNU CO LEU (6 doors Market-st). 241 P1TT ST- 'Phone, City 7886. LADIES' IIAIRDRESS1NG. All branches proftMion thoroughly taught; vacancy one apprentice. Char-mian, North Sydney.

'Phone. North 2SW2. KD1CAL. Established Suburban Practice, low premium, prompt Bala, lioxton, 18 O'Connell at. UfASSAGK, General.

nurse iinuin, iu oumeimia Paddlngton. Whig. Psdil. KDIOAL. Locume, AssisUnU Supplied.

Practices JjX Tranaf erred. BSCKIKlUSe, t.OJ'U'-l. liuni.v, Ti.f EDICAL. Loouma supplied, Practicea iTanNierrea. AX Richard Thomson ano io t-anwcaejn-u Loouma suDDiied.

Practicea TrauBrerrej. Hair Brown, B.M.A. i Buildings, Sydney. MOTOR DRIVINU. running repaira.

inaiviuiiai iin-lion modern car. In tr.nk driving and with" management. Assistance aecure REGENT MOTOR SCHOOL (EsUbll.hl It T-n). Central Station. na-tlllNFHV MILLINERT.

LEARN TO AN ACCOMPLISHED MILLINER. French Flowers, wnp oii.inm. Phone. City Wl. Oeorge st, near Liverpool-si.

Mrs. McOOLL and Miss i-nnciptii-. rVK EACHEV ERYTH 1NO 1MH Course 6 Guinea wilt'1PtlTtC' 1S1-8 Devonsli Ire-street, off EHaaoeth-stTeet, Near subway and Sydney Station. TOTOTrtRIVING.nic.rand Electrical Course, ll 1 1 i. Mtntuatent driven In n.s.w.

Kmuioyen in exceiiem ini.iun. priority of appointment, and much sougnt alter, ine leading Motor Importers. Agents, snd Government no i or r.xpens aavise, recoraniena, nm whu rui'" to Instructed. Driving 66. Full course, ftft.

CITY MOTOR SCHOOL. Registered under the Firms Act, 1W3. 74 Wcntworth-aveniie, near Ellzalietli-street. MILLINERY, DrXlGNING. FIjOWERS.


SUCCESS GUARANTEED, or MONEY REFUNDED. Call or write for Prospertua, 'Phone. Cltv 8183. ASSOCIATED ni Ull I ivvnv 284 6 Catleresgh-s. eomsr LWertywI st.

opposite ror' MOTOR Tuition on 1P25 Mode C-ars. Car, '11 1, and Taxi Licenses In to 10 lays. 13 yean' teachiiifc exnerience. have pasaed tlie Polica Twf taught by me. Call or write for my Syllabus.

Positions for 'Bus Drivers. A. KING, Urban Agent for Chevrolet Cars. Fees from 80. Late Staff Manager Motor 'Bums, Ltd.

Single Lesson, 10. pfcw.v UA10M. lev Commonwealth -street. not Moot Manual, value A8, sriva-i uv. soeh com far o-daj enly.

FlatM Wtng this a4 TiUsamsni warn ms MEDICAL. l-ocunii, Asalstanta. Prarticea Transfer-red. Ellis Jefferson, M. Buildings, Sydney.

"T0T0K DRIVINO MEANS MORE MONEY IF TRAINED AT DOHERTY AND ADAMS' MOTOR CHOOL. Our Clients InelnHn; Ustuirti A i 11011 Hnrilerns'. Hor. dern Marcus Clark, McMahoii's, Peters' American Delicacies. Fresh Food and Ice.

Wm. Arnolt. Dalgety, Wtnchcomhe, Carson. Tuition given by Principals onJy. Olaasea daily.

Night Clatsea. Mondays. Wednesdays. Thursdays, 7-0. Send for syllabus.

Between Crown and Riley street. wm. Z8. car entrance uxtom-ione, at rear. 74 OX FORD -STREET, CITY.

OTOR DRIVINU. RUNNING REPAIRS. Individual Instruction given on ltrifi Model Can till comoetent and License Special attention for ladiea. FuU fee 65; no extras. Terms if required.

Students made capable to drive any of car, and practical experience given of City Traffic Driving, an engine workings, and the complete control oi can. Recommendations made for Positions. E. B. KIRK and MILFORD, Motor Experts and Car Sales.

1st Floor. 84 Martin-place. BW7481. OTOB TUITION SEEKERS. ion want FACTS.

NOT PHOMISKS. WHAT YOU ARB TAUGHT FOR AvSS AT THE EFFICIENCY MOTOR SCHOOL. In addition to our extensive range of equipment, which you will admit is without parallel in the Com-tnon wealth, we libivD acquired JtlfiOOO worth of llriS model cars, tructora, and engines: Our cqulimit'iit includca: I'lut. Chevrolet. Federal Knltrht, ta'i (4), Hrusler. lv-nex 8 Sttid-'liakcrs, Cane Tractor, Uverluud, Darrauq. Hart Parr, Ford, Dodge, Cletrlc, :1 Uufrks, Willi- Truvk, Lanx, Diesel. Paige, Scripps-Boolli, Sleeve Valve. Special Klertrh-al Itemunslruttnn Appuralua of the "Hottch" Starting.

Lighting, Ueneruliiig, aud Ignition ayftem. KEFji, oUK 88 COURSE can nuke on a coiniielent driver and mechanic, license oh-taincd, atmolutcly no tinio limit, our recognised diploma when coini-etent. Pay weekly if desired. DRIVINU (INLY XZW. School hours, 0 a.m.

till 4.80 p.m. daily, except Saturdays, Night Classe, Monday, Wednesday, aud Thursday, 7 till JO o'clock. Cull and liave a chat with our Mr. Spencer, or send for prospectus. A Hejidquai tera: 44 to Reservnir-i-treet, cloee to 2T Klitabtjtli -street and Central Station.

'Phone, MAlMil. For Tuition Inquire at Ladies' Depart ineiil, corner rt-agli and Hay streets (in Opera House Building. 'Plume, City 1W)9. EFFICIENCY MOTOR THE HOUSE OF MOTOR AND TRACTOR TUITION. eneral and Obfitetric: alno In country, some no uiposHioii.

311m Maclafhhtn a Agency. JoO Ueorge- blrcel. below ti.P.O. B.70. CtHOW CARD and TICKET WRITING Taucht by New Mod urn Method.

Learn to design aud write your own show carda. Make to an houi in vour npure time. MASTER COURSE OFFI.RED. Lesnons ly Post. Working Outfit supplied free.

Distance no object. A profitable profession or a paying hobbv open to both men and women Particulars, THE S.I. SHOW CRI) SERVICE. -JOA dclajd SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, BOOKKEEPING, Etc. Permanent Po-ltiotis after 4 months' tuition.

Eialit more NKWTON Girls placed last week, several being chosen after tests, from many applicants. NEWTON RAPID SHORTHAND ia the eaRfest. quickest, and aureat way to success. INDIVIDUAL TUITION day. evenings.

No classes. Success assured. Write, 'phone, or can ior prospectus. NEWTON RAPID BUSINESS COLLEGE. corner Liverpool-street, over Thompson's Silk Store.

rpYPING, Duplicating. See Misaea Oldman and -a- Meder. S4a and 11U Pitt-st. rnAXATION RETURNS prepared, traders' books writ-a- ten up, systems Installed by practising Public Accountant No. 1717.

Herald. POSITIONS WANTED. fTwo lines (about 12 wonU), l.J AUCTIONEER and Stock Salesman, with wide expert ence and best references, wants Position. Apply J. Stokle, Criterion Hotel, Alhury.

keener, typist, salesman, desires emnlovment. few evenings weeKiy (any eapumy), aniaii salary accepted. u. unmn-street p.u. BAKER, S2IK).

married, wants slngie-nand Job, can Herald. BOOKKEEPER or JACKAROO, on station, youn American, Just arrived in Australia. aiw, Heraiu. TAKER wanta Position, Forehand, single or Board- nana, country or iv. immi'rt ate v.

Marr ed. sober, and reliable. Hrruld. Shop Work, requires POSITION, In city or suburbs. K.

Wll.I.l.'Mi, ft Bfga-road. Northhridge. apiHINAMAN (Jimmie OnlTaif Dixon-at, wanu Work. Market Gardener. tHIAUFFEUK-MECHANIC desires Position, 15 years' e.xperience.

Australia and Abroad. Koir. DltKSbMAKER. Iiigh-i-lav. ilress a day.

Ho Mt-toria-st. Pntti Point. Wlm. li.74. DHESSJ 14 ai RESSMAKER, by day, disengaged, goiHl references, Uiss Midilh-ton.

Hand. 1342. DRRsSMAKKR, high class, latcft 126, fares. M. Taylor.

70 Alhany-rd. Stanmore. DRESSMAKER, 8 day. Alterations done, orders ealled for, delivered. 76 Newlngton-rd.

Marrickville DKESSMAKEJt, diaeiigUpTtd, Wednetidav, Thursday, 10 day. Marks, 15 Whallng-rd. North Shore. 1 ENGINEER, Fitter, exerienced erecting auction gaa plant or steam, also mining, factory maintenance, wants Position, city or country. iwiw, ii era id.

HANDY MAN mining, relii wanta Caruontrv. Paintltur. Kulto- g. rellnhc. Hnrrod, 77 Cameron-nt, EdgeeHff ANDY.M AN, aii'l UefiratinK LWlle- Surrv Hills.

MOIOR PAINTER, Kist-clasa man, would like Post-t ion In country. 61 Plmer-st, North Sydney. MOTOR MECHANIC, experienced, wants "position, references. Mechanic, 13 Crown-st. Svduev.

OH MECHANIC (foreigner), will take any ork. "i TJverponl-st, Room 16. tradesman. Glbbens, .10 Rrae-at, Waverley. PAPERHANGINGS.

Painting wauled, by competent Tradesman. 'Phone, padd. 1186. ROUGH CARPENTER, Handy Man, anywhere, 410 week. 4KW.

Herald. RE I'URNED Soldier. Nltrhtwati-lunan and Cleaner, want Piwition. excellent reference: security if F. MOnGAN.

JP.O. WilUnni 'treet. TRONG YOUTH, Plumber's Labourer, experience, willing do anything, references. M.F., 38 Park-road, St. Teters.

STATION BOOKKEEPER, experivticed, single man, aged 80, requires Position, go anywhere. Apply Hers ia. SWISS LADY wanta Clerical Position, general office routine. English, German, French, Italian, Con tinental experience, excellent relerences. E.W., tie imore-roau, KannwicH.

SOUTH SEA ISLANDS. Vemlile young Udy wants Position aa Companion, Secretary, or in store, tropical experience, excellent references. K.W., 6 Pelmore -road. Rand wick. UPHOLS'I EKEH floes tressen, Hllmln.

etc. Suites, IsOiu-e Coders, 4S liarliiiRburNt-rd. Win. Mnt-10M. YOUTH, 2t years' experience, Motor Driving and Repairs, wanta Position, city or country; go anywhere.

Good references ami recommendation. Ring nt'LLI 84. POSITIONS VACANT. Two linen about 12 words 2: Saturday, 26.J A PPRENTICES. DRESSMAKINO.

no Saturday work. Miss JIOLUOYD, 3rd Aoor, heetie'e Cliambera, 12 iixinro-Mireet A SMART SENIOR SALESWOMAN wanted. Apply after 10 a.m., SYDNEY SHOE i7i George-street. YOUNG LADY, for Agent's Office, previous ei penem Padd big ton. 15-17, as city messenger and assist despatch.

J- IutcHigent, active. Appiy nr. uickmhi. rcai, Berlel House, 8 30, Regent -street. APPLICATIONS are Invited from Professional Ac-counlants qualified to act at Auditor to this Institution.

Present fees 20 gulueaa per annum. Anplka- ttona close Friday, 4th September, 1125, at 12 noon, and ahnuld be addret-seil to the President, -SYDNEY UNITED FH1ENI1LY DISPENSARY and MEDICAL INSTITUTE, in nty. BRASS MOULDER, stunll jnuMntr, able work without Instruction. Mr. Gra mil, New town P.O.

TMHLOKH'S LAHOURKli -Hiiteil. Nu. 16 Slueen-st, Wnnllntirn. Townend Shoe, f9 llanlngton-st, rlty. BOY, 14-14.

office and messages, ultimately leant rood trade. Howard and Son. 76 Erskine-st. "1 (0), Monre'xt, Cuogee. Alo, 4, lues- -ufliiv, itochy point-nt, lianksia.

Bill Meld. BRICKLAYERS wanted. Apply New Hotel, Five-dock, and Cooler's Job. Dowlimr-st. citr.

BOYS, about 16 or 17 years age. W. G. Pickrell. 42 Klng-st.

Newtown. TJUICKI.WEU, Findlay'a Ieeds. Job, Cameroii-avs. Karl wood. iKIl waiiUd.

P.vmble. Selwyn-st, near "hotei. JO wanted. Apply A. J.

Watson, Sheet Metal Worker, 111 Sallhiiry-rd. Stanmore. Ing. Tinkler and Harold, Henderaon-rd. Alexandria OOT It EPA I ooil Bench Hand.

C. Pitneld. ill Hoiu stiiidi-ril. BRICKLAYER'S Hodtarrler. Job, corner Hopetoun-yve and Hussell-sr; VHu.elnse.

I300T 'I RADE. Wanted, Clickor. lllord Shoe, 110 iti-oien) BRICKLAYERS lloudy. Auilrawa job. Eastern and Uoortrlrh Dudley Estate.

Kensington. hLAYEIts. Wlt Mmmt st, Coogee. Wilson's Job. BOOT TRADE Wanted, Operator for Pump Sewer.

Sn0'' Prospeet-sl, Erskinevllle. JjHICKLAYKRS wanted, (dbbes-st. Willougld.y7" BOY wanted, IU yiar. smart. Monarch Sliirt Factory, Slunlieril-st.

opposite Glare Bros. IJRICKLAYERS wanted. Beach-road, Coogee. Bart- J. a ley fo- 1JREAI) CARTER, experieiK-edi Apply, with refer- enres.

Ilarri Park llahery, Harris faik 100T TRADE. Wauted, Maehlnlats. Fitters, also Girl to lArii. I'lnkler and Haiold, Heudersou-rd. TRAIVE- Wanted.

Hoya to learn. Tinkler and Hwrold. Henderann-road. Alexandria. 1 1RICKLAYERN wanted, also Mbourer.

Mined Job, J- Mml. st ()Y wanted, learn Grocery trade, age 16, drive. AuDly 6 Curlewis-st, TOY, messages, juslTleft sthool preferred. Manager, jLr Hnwes ami nowes, rm-n.

JJOOh JOOKUINDING. experienced SEWERS wanted, one. 18-20 Albion ii. near naimaj. Wanted, Improvers, socking and" six- lug.

White and Sons. Hutehlnson st, Surry Hills. tlKICKLAYEKS (2 wsnted. 6 months' work. Plo- tur Show, Fivwoca.

BRICKJ.AYER M.V. 71 to-day. inted for Moss Vale. Ring W. MORTIMER.

ivrnM Wl Paul's job, George -at. Xi Bay, off Old South Hesd nl. BOY, 14 or for metsages, ate, lettl and Mft Gaorge st. TitlV wttnted. lust left school.

meSSSffes. etc. OY wanted, Just left school Apply. Manager. Howes and Howes, 287 Plttst.

TRf CKL A F.RS wanted. Glenfleld School Building. -a a Jemlson'a. Jon. six montna worn.

B6V, sinowledn of citr and suburbs, rsferencesT CUrk and Ssbs. TI ling at. BEKV1UK uu.i una 1 1 is nniise. "ibOKS (women), 76. (JO, 4.V, country hotels.

cook. ftr small hotel, cnuu laaen. COOK-LAUNDRESS, for station, 40. HOUSEMAID-LAUNDRESS, 80, bote), SOUTH COAST. WAITRESSES, 82'6: HOUSE MAID WAITRESSES, 80.

Fares paid. RYAN and 100 Rawson Chambers, Rawson-plare (opposite station). CHEF (man), hotel. LISMORE, Mr. HARRY GEERON CALL; MOREE, eading hotel; RELIEVING MAID.

80, also HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS, 80, can recommend; STATION COUPLE, 182. FORnES, man cook, wife la undress. -housemaid, REFERENCES; USEFUL MAN, able milk, HOSPITAL, Mountains, 80; Mrs. and Mrs. MAY pleana communicate.

MAC-NAMARA, Wentworth Court. 64 Elltabeth-st. BM74. I EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAID. Apply Crowle House, 101 OOD reliable Woman, cleaning, two or three hours I datlv.

81 King-it. Newtown. aTI RVKkAI. IIKI.P. ha enr.kinar.

no wash inn. KJ a.m.. 3." Bntce-st. Stammtrs. Also Woman, wash.

tt AR DENE its wanted, 2 who thoroughly understand their work, turf laying, forming new grounds, etc. Apply i i-n'. 21 Alton-street, WooHahra. GENTLEWOMAN, supervise, 8 little boys attending school, 1 girl 4, Elementary Frenrh, start lessons, folk dances, as a Companion, outings, country home, CASSII.IS, HO Miss Rot''. 10 Hunter-st C1 ARUENEH-USKFUL, and able to wash tar.

Mate age and wages required. Light Job. Conditions good. Copies of references. ii era m.

TJOUSEMAID, private family, t.o watbmg, ref-jrenc- a en, good wages. 47 Boionla-at, Kenaiimtoi TJTOUSKMAIU- WAITRESS. Broudlod, W2 Ocean Beach. Manly. Phone.

s5. Manly. UOL'SE i nd PARLOUR MAID, for adult family of references. Mrs. H.

R. Asher. Tircarra, A-X three; references. Onslow-ave. Elizabeth Bay.

4S William, HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS. Boys School, and Hotels. WOMAN COOK, country hotel: General Heln. sub- iirbs. Other positions.

Mrs. Frith, 106b King-st. FOtjSEM AID-WAITRESSES. 8': Cook-lienerals. 2 XX Light Generals, Northern line.

Gregg's, 72 En- mon-road. -427: Housel-oy. 16: Mother and Dana-liter. J-3I0, and Nurse-Needlewoman, 80, same station home; House-Parlour Maids, station homes. 80.

36: Couples, sta tion homes, milk, kill, and cook-laundress, 310, SfjHOLKFIELD, 52 Elisabeth street. HOTELS. Wauted, this day. Interview 10 o'clock. Cashier; Housekeeper: Woman Cook, good with ounter lunch: Hotel Waitress: 2 Housemaid-Waitresses; Uiuudresa, Grafton; Housemaid, ansist bar; Pantry, iniht be good with serving.

Greeuwell'a, Licensed uiuailers. 82 King-lit reel. TrrCHEN MAID, ready start. Blue Ribbon Cafe, -0-. down stairs, Elixanetti.i,t, KI'ICHENMAID-GENEKAL, experienced, ready start, Manchester Unity Restaurant, WO Castlereacli-st.

1" AUNDRY. Mangle Hands wanted, cxprrieuced Feed- -4 era. Austral i-ioiiiury, Knsaiiiui-si, rsortn yuney. ADY HELPS, 1 West, 1 North, cook kept, light antics; intants Mirses, Muniy, Ldgecnn iooic, 4'). Nnrsp Darllnirton's.

84 Mart Floor. 1 AUNDHY Wanted, good Girl, assist shop and little XJ plain Ironing. Annly Jananese Ijiuiidry. i (son's Point. I AUNDHY.

Girl, assist shop, general useful. Mrs. -4 MARUTA. Japanese Laundry. 801 Alfred-street, North Svdtiev.

North 2. AYARUIKD COUPLE, man station useful, wife Cook. ---VX station, Western Line, references, 310. At Mrs. Mcctushy.

Hunter-street. 1 riDDLE-AGED HOUSEKEEPER, good cook and i-vX needlewoman, fond of children, seek Position; references. Moderate salary. Strathblane, Milroy- avenue nensiogron. MOTHER.

Daughter, or Friends, 310, South; also Queensland: Cooks, stations. 60. 40: Cook- Laundress, take child, 40. 85, 11 o'clock; others; House-Parlourmaids, 85, 80, 25, 10 o'clock; Domestic Workers, 80; Udy Helps, country, 80, 26. Others at Mrs.

McClusky, 84 Hunter-street. HANDY MAN, station, experienced, 60 and keep. blajk31I in, star ton, experienced, on ana keep. GARDENER, station, experienced, awaid. COOK, no baking, station, 40 and found.

2 Friends, all duties between them, 30 each. Itlll-IS. SIMPSON 1 Elizabeth-street, NURSES' BUREAU, 19 Hunter-st. SCOTCH NURhK, for Motherless child. 42; 2 children, 8 and 6.

MANLY, 30; infant, 14 months, WooHahra: 2 Ladies' Ma Ids. Miss ROFK. fJA.NTkYMAID wautid, exporicnued. Apply Cliflon Cafe. 74 Krskine-st, city, IsKFlNKD DoiiieHic, House Duties 20 Randwick.

Rand, i I JKFl.NED Woman as Housekeeper, fond children. Xt, -4 Charlton i-I. Clyde, after ft p. tlEFINKD. capable Help, all duties, business couple, i one child, wages 26.

Store, 12 Loo thall -street, Kensington. 'Phone, Randwick 1128. iTHONG GIRL, domestic work, sleep out; Sunday free. J. C'larK.

11 Enmore-rd, MarruKvine. STRONG YOUTH, reliable, honest, good wages. ferCuces. Fancy Puppy Salon, 99 Pilt-st. VINCENTS HOSPITAL, DAKLINGHL-RST.

WANTED PAN TRYMAiD. Relereoce requited. MOTHER RECTRESS. Apply mUll liPflni.rl I.4DV IIKt.I'S. Prnteclatit.

own rooms. sisters or friends, good plaify cooks, aasist with References and particulars required. Mr. ASKEW. Post-ornce.

Stanmore. W3. ED, Sensible, trustwortby Help, sleep out, 6 Carr-st. Hoith Sydney. A VIED, Experienced Waitress, wages 876, e.

230 a-ntlereuirh-st, city. WANTED, CAFE CllhF vwoinan, dillv Cafe. 143 Pitt-st. 10,30. Apply Picoa- be experienced, used 1 Cambridge, inn William-st.

TAllItKSS. Wanted, Girl, for confectionery. Ap- at Ifift Livenmol-st. city. tnt GKNKKAL, snull family.

Ap- lidga rd, Itelleviie Hill. WANTED, asaistaht COUNTER HAND and WAITRESS. Shamrock Tea Room, 6 The Strand. ANTED PANTRYMAID, uiiiut teas, week-ends oil rmont-st, Pyrmont. VAN1ED.

General Fttveanx-st. city. General Servant, Bleep out. Apply 45 ANTED, young WAITRESS, assist Ham and Reef a.m.. iiunicr-m.

aitre. also Kitchenmald. iValker'a Cafe, ViZ Pitt-st. downstairs. WAITRESS wanted, also Tea Girl.

St. Hilda Cafe, n-ii oxi I Qxford-Bt. city. WANTED, Wa iieth-t. city iucaa, must be xperienced.

230 hliza- f.VNlKl), a hilclieu Woman, atari at ondr Goulbuni-st, "ANTED, good General, mostly housework. Allora, 24 Bavswalei-nl. near Mansions Hotel. TAN1 ED, si, Vai WAITRESS, urt at once. 92 William- t.NTKD Hotel.

F. COO -GENERAL. Apply Town Hall rest Lodge. W-r ANTED. DAILY GIRL, light duties.

21 fcnmore- Marrickville, good mmg GENERAL. Apply Mrs. Byrt, 1 244 Parramutla-rd. Peteishnm. assist bar.

Baldfaced Stag Hold, l.efrbl-aiill. HOUSEMAID-WAITRESS, tor boarding-vV (loiise, 30; also Kltchenmaid. MANILIjA HOUSE, 483 Bourke-street ANTED (or country, COOK-LAUNDRESS, good wanes. State age and when can start. Mrs.

R. J. HOPWOOD, Boree Creek. Apply GKNhKAL. 2 adults, one child.

Vgood wages. 36 Darling I'oinl-road, Darli'ig Point fnear tromL rnone, r.M-.w. 7ANTEI. refined young Idy, take charge two VV i-hildrcii. alternoono.

Coulston, Saliabury-rd, TANTED reliable Terson, take car infant, 2 tn 8 VV dailv, musl have personal references. 7a Ocean-street. WooHahra. Mr.HUME. ANTED, Housemaid, adult family, station home, can reeumm-nd.

Interview II at- Miss LA YARD'S. ARTIN-PLACE. X7.NI ED, young Girl aa General, 110 laundry, per-VV aonal refcrencea. Mrs. DAVIS, 11 Beuelong-cres- cent, Bellevue Mill.

Wav. 1IIKI. WANTED, a Competent Young Cook-General, help given, pei (tonal rclevenc-s necessary. Edge- cliff-road. Edged iff.

'I'none. rwonm. 1TTA MTU 1 1. i-nmnrtfint Woman about 30, all duties, VV good plain rooking ensmitiai, fond of children, goou wagea. Apply 20 Wyatt aveniie, Burwood.

VTTANTED, young GENF.RAU light cooking, no wash lug, good nomi Paddlngton. Padd. 1 1 per week, 79; experienced three-quarter day Annly 11 a.m.. ready to start, UTANTED. VV PANTRYMAID.

A STOW CAFE, Astor Flats, Macguarle-street, WAH HESS and Midday Waitress, also Woman for cleaning, come ready start, 26 York-street, Wyn- yard-square, 11 ciock. WANTED, an experienced Working Housekeeper. 4 adults, fuel stove. No laundry. Good wages Mrs.

HARRIS. 'Phone. UTonmia to. sun-roan, tronuna. WANTED.

Miss MacUcblan Lady Corners Agency, 850 George-st. City 82.T2. (Jovemeasea, Batlmwt, run ci.iirir..,'. Nurse. Canberra.

interview Companion Helps, various duties; country, suburlia. j-v. Kut-wn D.iii iilTRlliin MS. A nut HALE, bouse- maio kept, can TMJommend, fare laid. Apply early to OCEAN HOUSE, B4 MARTIN PLACE.

VVANTED, Nice WOMAN aa good plain COOK, I VV station home, Southern Line, can recommend, 1 (erences. Apply early to Miss i-AYAHii. UtCAn tn au ANTED, capable Woman aa COOK-GENERAL, 8 week, 8 In family, quiet country home, can recommend, reference. Apply Mia LAYARD, OCEAN OI U.DTIV.Dt it'V WANTED, refined MAID, young, plain cooking, no laundry, little housework. House-Parlour Maid kept.

Own room. Comfortable home. 35. Reply, enclosing copies references, to F' BOX 1478, G.P.O. ANTED, COOK.

40: House-Parlour Maid, 85, station. Southern line, meet lady 2, Tuesday; Housemaid, 86, country town: Housemaid, 826, Edge cliff; House-Parlour Maid, 86. Mrs. MULLIGAN. 82 King-street.

WANTED, young GENERAL, liberal outings, no washing, country girl preferred. 26 Enmore-road, Newtown-Enmor. CHEF, with flnt-claa rprinc, for AUSTRALIAN CLUB. MELBOURNE. Apply.

In first iTuUnct, tn writing, with copies, of reference and salary required, to SECRETARY, Australian Club, Melbourne, assist children and housework, other helL keDt. Good home, liberal outings. 16. Olutha, ParV-crecent, Pymhle. Wahrooiiga 677.

-tTOl'NO GIRL wanted to train as NURSERY HOUSE- jl. HAlu, comiortaoia noma, venevua nm. Ms, BerakL.

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

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Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.