Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (2024)

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I think we can all agree that a basic stove top chili recipe with beans (yes yes, I know in some regions this is controversy central- but my kids are strictly team BEAN, so here we are) is something that everyone should have in their weekly meal rotation through the fall and winter.

Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (1)

Am I right or am I right?! I’m talking about a super simple chili that you can toss together with some meat, beans, and a handful of spices (and maybe a splash of beer, mmmmkay) that’s super flavorful but still incredibly easy to make.

Serve it up with some homemade cornbread and your favorite toppings of choice (see the list below for some of our very favorites!) for the ultimate cozy comfort food!

Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (2)

Ingredients You’ll Need For This Stove Top Chili Recipe

  • Hamburger (or the meat of your choice, you could also use turkey, pork, or chicken. Beef is our favorite though!)
  • Dark Red Kidney Beans
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Beer
  • Beef Bouillon cubes (or beef broth)


  • Garlic Salt
  • Oregano
  • Black Pepper
  • Red Pepper
  • Cumin
  • Chili Powder
  • Coriander
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Sugar

How To Make Stove Top Chili With Beans

You can make this recipe in one pot/pan/skillet, whatever you have that is big enough to hold all of the ingredients!

Start by sautéing your ground meat, onion and garlic cloves on medium high heat until the meat is browned and onions are soft.

Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (3)

Add the beans and liquids

Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (4)

And then add your spices

How Long To Simmer Stove Top Chili

Simmer everything on a medium to medium high simmer for 30-45 minutes, until it starts to thicken. Of course, every stove is different, so if medium high is too hot on your stove and it’s bubbling everywhere- turn it down to medium or low (or remove it from the heat entirely!)

You can keep simmering your stovetop chili all day long on the lowest simmer possible, but be sure to stir it every hour or so.

This chili cooks quickly because the lid stays off, but if you want to slow cook it (which always enhances the flavors) then simmer it on low with the lid on for up to 2 hours.

Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (5)

Try Serving Chili on top of:

French Fries to make Chili Fries


Hot dogs to make Chili Dogs (this is always what we have for lunch the day after chili supper!)

Baked potatoes

Spaghetti Noodles to make Spaghetti Red


Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (6)

Best Toppings For Chili

Sliced avocado

Diced Onion

Sliced scallions

Shredded cheese (dealers choice! You can’t go wrong. We’re partial to Colby jack in the Spena Casa though)

Crumbled queso fresco

Sliced jalapeños

Chopped fresh cilantro

Tortilla Chips

Corn Chips


Sour Cream

Tater Tots

What To Serve With Chili

Homemade Cornbread


Fresh Garden Salad

Potato Skins

Peanut Butter Sandwiches (weird, but they used to serve this in public school and it somehow works?)

Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (7)


Do you cook onions or meat first for stove top chili?

I’ve found that you can do it either way! I prefer to brown my meat first and then add my onions and garlic, but you can also saute your chopped onions and minced garlic first and then add your meat to cook. You really can’t mess it up either way!

Should I drain the grease from the meat?

The beef will release a lot of fat and liquid — but don’t drain it!

Which bean is best for chili?

Kidney Beans!

They are the most popular bean for chili and, in some circles, are often called ‘chili beans. ‘ They add a hearty, rich texture to your chili.

Should I drain the beans?

DO NOT drain the beans!!! This is what THICKENS THE CHILI. It’s full of starch, and there’s no point in draining the natural starches (thickeners) just to replace it with more starch like flour or cornstarch.

The liquid in good canned beans is just the water and salt the beans were cooked in and are filled with delicious bean flavor. And this liquid is a great thickener for not only the specific dish you’re making at the moment, but for any dish that could use some thickening, some salt, and some bean flavor.

What gives chili the best flavor?

Cinnamon, strong coffee, and dark chocolate all boost them meaty flavor in a good chili. Pick any of them!

What liquid do you put in chili

Chili cooks low and slow, so you need enough liquid to tenderize the meat and keep everything from drying out. That liquid should also add flavor to the chili, so use chicken, beef, vegetable stock, or beer!

What are the most common spices used in chili recipes?

The most common chili spices are cumin, Chile Powders, and Paprika followed by garlic, onion, coriander, Mexican oregano, and bay leaves.

Should you stir chili while simmering?

Cook uncovered chili for at least 20-30 minutes to help reduce the amount of liquid and thicken it. A pot of hot chili can be stirred while it is simmering!

How long should you simmer chili on the stove?

The chili can cook on a high simmer with the lid off for 30-45 minutes, or up to 2 hours on a low simmer with the lid on. The longer that you simmer a chili, the more flavorful it will be, because it allows the spices and seasonings to develop further.

Should I simmer stove top chili with the lid on or off?

Chili can be cooked uncovered or covered, but both are preferable. Chili cooked uncovered will thicken and reduce in liquid, making it a more hearty dish. When covering your chili, you will keep the heat in and prevent it from boiling over.

Does chili get better the longer it simmers?

Many chili recipes call for just a few minutes of cooking time, but longer cooking times produce better results. The longer the chili cooks, the stronger the flavors will become and the tenderer the meat will become.

Can you simmer chili for too long?

In general, chili should be cooked for at least 30 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together. However, it is possible to overcook chili, which can result in a bland and unappetizing dish. When chili is overcooked, the beef can become tough and the vegetables can become mushy.

Can I make this in a crockpot?


For Crock-pot Chili:

Cook the onion and brown the meat in a large skillet first. Then you can add the remaining ingredients to a large slow cooker and stir in the cooked meat and onions. Cook on low for 5-7 hours.

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Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (8)

Looking for more recipe ideas? Be sure to check these out!

Seven Layer Dip

Bacon Wrapped Little Smokies

Red Velvet Cake

Yield: 12 bowls

Stove Top Chili With Beans

Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (9)

This recipe is a super simple chili that you can toss together with some meat, beans, and a handful of spices (and maybe a splash of beer, mmmmkay) that’s super flavorful but still incredibly easy to make.

Serve it up with some homemade cornbread and your favorite toppings of choice for the ultimate cozy comfort food!

Prep Time20 minutes

Cook Time2 hours

Total Time2 hours 20 minutes


  • 2 LB Hamburger (or the meat of your choice, you could also use turkey, pork, or chicken. Beef is our favorite though!)
  • 2 Cans Dark Red Kidney Beans
  • 1 Can Tomato Sauce
  • 1 Onion
  • 5 Cloves Garlic
  • Half Bottle Of Beer
  • 3 Beef Bouillon Cubes (or beef broth)
  • Spices:
  • 1 Tbsp Chili Powder
  • 2 Tsp Garlic Salt
  • 2 Tsp Sugar
  • 1.5 Tsp Cumin
  • 1 Tsp Oregano
  • 1 Tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 Tsp Coriander
  • 1 Tsp Cocoa Powder
  • 1/2 Tsp Ground Red Pepper


  1. Start by sautéing your ground meat, onion and garlic cloves on medium high heat until the meat is browned and onions are soft.
  2. Add your beans
  3. Add your spices
  4. Simmer everything on a medium to medium high simmer for 30-45 minutes, until it starts to thicken. Of course, every stove is different, so if medium high is too hot on your stove and it’s bubbling everywhere- turn it down to medium or low (or remove it from the heat entirely!)
  5. You can keep simmering your stovetop chili all day long on the lowest simmer possible, but be sure to stir it every hour or so.


You can make this recipe in one pot/pan/skillet, whatever you have that is big enough to hold all of the ingredients!

This chili cooks quickly because the lid stays off, but if you want to slow cook it (which always enhances the flavors) then simmer it on low with the lid on for up to 2 hours.

Did you make this recipe?

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Simple Stove Top Chili With Beans - (2024)


What is the secret to really good chili? ›

Rumi Spice's top tips for making chili:
  • Brown the Meat.
  • Don't Forget Vegetables.
  • Elevate with Extra Flavor.
  • Only Add Flavorful Liquids.
  • Opt for Dried Beans.
  • Season Early and Often.
  • Add Some Acidity at the End.
  • Top It Off.

What is the most important spice in chili? ›

Most Common Chili Spices. Cumin, Chile Powders, and Paprika are the most common spices in chili followed by garlic, onion, coriander, Mexican oregano, and bay leaves. These ingredients can be combined to create a savory and well-balanced pot of top notch comfort food.

How long should you let chili simmer on the stove? ›

Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring, then reduce the heat and simmer over medium-low heat for at least one hour, or up to 3 hours, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Serve in bowls with a dollop of sour cream and a sprinkle of cheese on top.

What secret ingredient will deepen the flavor of your chili? ›

Stir some puréed pumpkin into your chili just after sautéing your aromatics (onions, garlic, etc...) and before adding any liquid. This will deepen and sweeten its flavor, making it a great balance for all the chile peppers and heat.

What adds the most flavor to chili? ›

Here are some of the most common (and most effective) flavor boosters to add to your chili recipe.
  • Booze (Beer, Wine, or Liquor) ...
  • Liquid Smoke. ...
  • Brine or Vinegar. ...
  • Soy Sauce. ...
  • Fish Sauce. ...
  • Worcestershire Sauce. ...
  • Coffee or Espresso Powder. ...
  • Chocolate.
Aug 23, 2021

What not to put in chili? ›

Beans and non-vegetable fillers such as rice and pasta are not allowed." If that sounds a bit uptight, the ICS's Homestyle Chili competition defines chili as: "any kind of meat, or combination of meats, and/or vegetables cooked with beans, chili peppers, various spices, and other ingredients.

What makes can chili taste better? ›

Professional chefs shared their favorite ways to turn a can of chili into a tastier option. Cocoa, beer, and cinnamon are ingredients that'll boost the flavor of your dish. Fresh toppings are an easy way to add new flavor and texture to the premade meal.

Why would you put vinegar in chili? ›

With only about 1 tablespoon per pot added toward the end of the cooking process, the vinegar will make the flavors more vibrant without overwhelming the dish with its biting tang. Through just a splash, everything becomes a little brighter, and the chili's flavors are more balanced.

Should you simmer chili with the lid on or off? ›

For quicker-cooking chili like this recipe, don't cover the pot. You want the liquid in the chili to reduce, and leaving the lid off is crucial. If you're simmering the chili for a longer time, partially cover the pot to prevent the liquid from evaporating too quickly.

Is Chilli better in crockpot or stove? ›

Chili is perhaps the ideal slow-cooker dish because its flavor improves with a long, slow simmer.

How to tell when chili is done? ›

For most of my recipes, the chili is ready when the meat is tender — not overcooked — and the other flavors have blended well. I also prefer to still have distinct, but softened vegetables, not cooked to mush.

Why do you put butter in chili? ›

Butter smooths out the bitterness and adds its unique richness, making you take another bite without quite knowing why. A dash of sugar and vinegar gives a sweet-sour flavor that also makes the sauce rounder and more satisfying.

How to make chili taste good? ›

How to Give Chili a Flavor Boost
  1. Add something acidic. ...
  2. Try to identify what about your chili is boring. ...
  3. Add tomato paste. ...
  4. Drop in some chocolate. ...
  5. Embrace pickling liquid. ...
  6. Stir in some molasses.

What kind of meat does Wendy's use in their chili? ›

What Is In the Wendy's Chili? Made with our delicious beef, a hearty helping of vegetables and (of course) chili beans, this is a tried-and-true classic. What makes it so classic, you ask?

How do you make chili even better? ›

If you want more of a smoky flavor, add cumin, Spanish paprika, ancho chili powder, or a combination. If you are looking for more heat, add cayenne, crushed red pepper, or Hungarian paprika. If it's too spicy add a little brown sugar and some sweet paprika.

What makes a good competition chili? ›

Chili must: LOOK GOOD, SMELL GOOD and TASTE GOOD. If in a competition, it must do so lukewarm in a styrofoam cup. It also must look good on as small plastic teaspoon used for judging and tasting. Chili that doesn't win violates one or more of the three basics.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.