Recipe: Spiced Lentils with Egg (2025)

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Faith Durand

Faith DurandSVP of Content

Faith is the SVP of Content at Apartment Therapy Media and former Editor-in-Chief of The Kitchn. She is the author of three cookbooks, including the James Beard Award-winning The Kitchn Cookbook. She lives in Columbus, Ohio, with her husband and two daughters.


updated May 3, 2019

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Recipe: Spiced Lentils with Egg (1)


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Recipe: Spiced Lentils with Egg (2)

When I was in my 20s I decided to live alone, finally, after sharing homes and apartments with an ever-changing stream of roommates. That first year in my solo apartment was the genesis of my desire to learn how to cook well. I knew how to follow a recipe, but I realized there’s so much more to becoming a cook at ease in the kitchen. I remember staring at a pile of brown and wilted vegetables in my fridge and thinking how recipes are nothing more than the gleaming tip of the iceberg, shiny and alluring, but not signaling the many demands they make on a cook: how to shop, how to plan, how to make the most of the ingredients in your fridge and pantry every single day.

There were a few recipes that got me through those early days of starting to acquire the 95 percent of kitchen knowledge that isn’t found in recipes. No matter how empty my fridge, I always had eggs, lentils, and spices, and maybe you do too. If so, this is the simplest weeknight meal — homey and comforting.

I ate this many, many times in my solo apartment days (most memorably, I had a dish slowly over-baking in the oven while on the phone with my now-husband, who had finally called to ask me out).

It’s a simple and forgiving dish, made with lentils cooked with shallot, garlic, and toasty Indian spices. I like to use a mix of red lentils and yellow split peas. The red lentils cook quickly into a mash of comfort food, but the split peas stay a little more toothsome, adding a nice balance of texture to the dish.

The best thing, though, is that you can make the lentil mix ahead and refrigerate or even freeze it. Then it’s ready and waiting for you to plop an egg on top and bake until it’s a little crisp on top, with warm soft lentils beneath, and a gooey egg for you to drag your fork through.

It’s a dish for one, two, or more. I’ve skipped the spices, and the cilantro, at times, substituted more garlic or a handful of fresh rosemary or parsley. You could add sun-dried tomatoes or a splash of coconut milk. Think of it as your own vessel for using up what’s in your own pantry and stretching your wings as a cook.

As long as you have lentils and eggs, it will fill you up and make you feel right at home in your kitchen, as it did for me.


Serves 4

Nutritional Info


  • 1 cup

    red lentils

  • 1 cup

    yellow split peas

  • 1 tablespoon

    olive oil

  • 2

    large shallots or 4 small shallots, minced (about 1/2 cup)

  • 2 cloves

    garlic, minced

  • 2 teaspoons

    garam masala

  • 4 cups

    low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth

  • Salt and freshly ground pepper

  • 1 cup

    finely chopped cilantro leaves, from one small bunch

  • 4

    large eggs


  1. Rinse the lentils and split peas thoroughly under running water. Drain and set aside.

  2. Heat the olive oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat and add the shallots and garlic. Cook, stirring, for 3 to 4 minutes, or until the garlic and shallots are golden and fragrant. Add the lentils and split peas and stir in the garam masala. Stir the pot thoroughly to make sure the garam masala and shallots are fully distributed in the lentils.

  3. Add the broth (or 4 cups of water) and turn the heat to high. Bring to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer and cover the pan. Cook for 30 to 35 minutes or until the yellow split peas are just tender. (The red lentils are smaller and will cook faster; the yellow lentils will stay distinct and al dente while the red lentils will cook down into a pleasantly rustic mush.) Season with salt and pepper to taste and stir in the cilantro.

  4. At this point the lentils can be covered and refrigerated for up to 5 days or frozen in portions for up to 3 months (thaw in the fridge overnight before using).

  5. To serve: Heat the oven to 350°F. Lightly grease individual ramekins or small ovenproof baking dishes. Mound about 1 cup lentils in each then make a deep hollow in the center and crack in an egg. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the egg.

  6. Bake for 18 to 25 minutes, or until white is set and yolk is cooked to your liking. Serve immediately with a green salad.

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Recipe: Spiced Lentils with Egg (2025)


What can you add to lentils to make them taste better? ›

You can also add salt, aromatics like a halved onion, herbs, and spices to the pot before the lentils and the water, like beans, or wait until they're done cooking to flavor them.

Do you season lentils before or after cooking? ›

Bring to a boil, cover tightly, reduce heat and simmer until they are tender. For whole lentils, cook time is typically 15-20 minutes. For split red lentils, cook time is typically only about 5-7 minutes. Be sure to season with salt after cooking – if salt is added before, the lentils will become tough.

Is it good to eat lentils for breakfast? ›

Yes, lentils can be a nutritious and healthy option for breakfast. Lentils are a great source of plant-based protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are also low in fat and contain complex carbohydrates, which can provide sustained energy throughout the morning.

How do you make lentils not bland? ›

The beauty of lentils is that they are a completely blank slate — they can take on any flavor you throw at them. That also means if you don't give them any flavor, well, they will taste pretty bland. Add aromatics to the water or, even better, use chicken or vegetable stock instead of water.

Why do I feel so good after eating lentils? ›

Lentils are rich in fibre, folate and potassium making them a great choice for the heart and for managing blood pressure and cholesterol. They are also a source of energising iron and vitamin B1 which helps maintain a steady heartbeat.

Why do I feel better after eating lentils? ›

Lentils have plenty of folate, iron and vitamin B1, which also support your heart health. Lentils may be associated with a lower risk of heart disease, by lowering bad cholesterol and blood pressure. One study found that eating lentils led to greater reductions in blood pressure than eating chickpeas, peas or beans.

What happens if you don't wash lentils before cooking? ›

Nothing is gonna happen to you. Once you cook any food , (especially if you steam cook), the disease causing organisms are killed. Pathogens cannot survive beyond 120C when you steam cook. You just need to worry about small sand particles/grit.

What happens if you don't soak lentils? ›

Well, as healthy as they are, lentils are also known to cause some tummy issues like bloating and flatulence to be more specific. The presence of anti-nutrient compounds in lentils is the culprit behind gas or flatulence. The good news is that anti-nutrient in lentils can be easily deactivated by soaking them in water.

Which color lentil is healthiest? ›

Black Lentils (Beluga lentils)

Best of all, black lentils are the most nutritious variety of lentils, boasting the highest amount of protein, plus high levels of calcium, potassium, and iron.

Do lentils burn belly fat? ›

Lentils and beans are rich in soluble fiber, which is the single best carbohydrate to help you burn belly fat. "Soluble fiber forms a thick gel when it binds with water in the body," Tracy said. "This gel that forms therefore slows digestion in the body, which keeps you feeling full for longer!

Are lentils carbs or protein? ›

Lentils are high in fibre, and complex carbohydrates, while low in fat and calories. Their high protein content makes lentils a perfect option for those looking to boost their protein intake. They are naturally gluten-free, making them a delicious staple in a gluten-free kitchen.

What is the best tasting lentil? ›

Black Beluga lentils have the most flavor, adding a rich, earthy taste and a firm texture that holds up well during cooking. Black lentils will be ready in 20–25 minutes; however, they will fall apart like their brown, green, and red partners once you cook them for too long.

Why do I not like lentils? ›

If you are sensitive to fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyol (FODMAP) foods, lentils can cause discomfort, as well as bloating and gas in the colon. Excessive fiber consumption causes flatulence that, while not harmful to your health, can be embarrassing.

What taste good with lentils? ›

Here are some good food combinations with lentils:
  • Lentils and Rice: Lentils and rice make a classic and satisfying combination. ...
  • Lentils and Vegetables: Lentils pair well with a wide range of vegetables. ...
  • Lentils and Tomatoes: Tomatoes complement lentils beautifully and enhance their flavors.
Jan 22, 2011

How do you make lentils more palatable? ›

Otherwise, try adding some acid. If you've added enough salt, and a dish STILL tastes bland, a splash of vinegar or citrus will bring it all together. Also try adding a bay leaf while cooking them, and always salt the water for lentils. You can also boil them in chicken or beef stock instead of water.

Why does my lentil soup taste bland? ›

Why does my lentil soup taste bland? Lentils have a relatively mild taste and take well to seasonings. To avoid a bland lentil soup, use a flavorful broth—whether that's homemade or store-bought chicken or vegetable broth. The other key is building flavor.

Why do you add baking soda to lentils? ›

Summary: Baking soda is mostly used to soften the beans faster and decrease cooking time by increasing pH. In some scenarios, it has been shown to aid in breaking down gas-causing sugars as well. Higher concentrations of baking soda and/or pressure cooking may be needed to make this latter effect significant.

How do you make lentils easier on your stomach? ›

Tips to Make Beans and Lentils Less Gassy:
  1. Rinse before cooking. Rinsing canned beans and lentils helps reduce the amount of those indigestible carbohydrates, which are released into the water. ...
  2. Even better, soak them overnight. ...
  3. Introduce them slowly. ...
  4. Call in the reinforcements.
Dec 11, 2017

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