Come Back Home - Chapter 1 - fantasyauthor4u (2024)

Chapter Text

It happened on a Wednesday. Naruto was five years old and wanted to play with a group of kids at the park. They took one look at Naruto and pushed him down. He was bleeding. It hurt. He cried.

There were a few adults nearby who saw what took place. They sneered at him as they grabbed their children away from him. They called him a monster; said he should die. He went home a bloody, and crying, mess.

That’s when he decided, he would leave Konoha for good. He had no parents. He had no friends, and now he had no village. But even no village was better than this abuse. He’d rather make it on his own then deal with the cruelty any longer. He didn't understand it. He couldn't comprehend why they were so mean to him; only him. Was he such a monster? Such a bad kid?

So, he left. He packed a bag filled with little clothes and mostly food. He left in the middle of the night when security was very lax. It was hard for him to climb a tree but he made it. He jumped from one tree to another and kept going until he was beyond the boarder wall. He was free.

On the road, and only five, was hard. He was robbed of all his stuff. He had to chance eating random food found along the way. He was beaten up a couple times for no reason. He was cold all the time. He was lonely. He was hungry. Some times a nice older lady, or gentleman, would feel bad for him and give him food and a warm place to stay. That was far and few in between.

Naruto was alone for a full year, barely alive, when he met a man. The man was tall, covered in blood, and had a long sword attached to his back. It was snowing, and Naruto was barely even alive anymore; his ragged clothes doing nothing against the frigid air.

“Come with me.” The man bellowed. He had a Village Hidden in the Mist band on his head, and wrappings covered his mouth. Naruto looked up with wide eyes and an open mouth.

Naruto scrambled up from the snow, body shaking and weak. A long arm reached out and a piece of bread was exposed in the palm on the strange man’s hand. Naruto didn’t even think twice; just used his tiny hands to gobble up the food before the man could take back the gesture.

“My name is Zabuza.” The man announces. “Who are you?”

“Naruto.” He responds back in a small voice—not even recognizing his own voice anymore. He hasn’t talked in so long. He knows the light in his blue eyes are gone. He feels half dead. He sounds it too.

“Your chakra is strong.” Zabuza states like it’s a fact. Naruto wants to shout ‘bullsh*t’ but doesn’t have the energy. It’s been a few days since he had solid food and the bread is weighing heavily on his stomach. It hurts.

“Thank you for the bread.” Naruto decides on a response. He doesn’t want to be rude.

“Follow me.” Zabuza hums and starts walking away. Naruto scrambles to follow suit, not even caring what happens to him at this point. He just wants the pain to end. If Zabuza can end his suffering then Naruto is willing to do anything.

“Walk slower.” Naruto huffs as he trudges through the snow with his bare feet. Zabuza stops walking altogether and picks Naruto up so he’s on the man’s large back; cheek pressed against the massive sword. It’s warm.

“From now on you will live for me.” Zabuza tells him. “I have a dream, and you will help me accomplish it. You will become my weapon. That will be your purpose in life."

Naruto doesn’t have to think about the words. He doesn’t care. Right now, his stomach is full, he’s not alone, and he’s warm. Having a purpose sounds nice. Naruto will follow Zabuza to the end of the earth. He finally has met a person who doesn’t think of him as a monster.

So, Naruto joins Zabuza. The man was right about Naruto having strong chakra. Apparently, he has a nine tailed beast hidden inside of him and Zabuza has found out how to get Naruto to draw out on that power.

The once scared little kid from the Leaf village is long gone. Now stands Naruto, a powerful warrior who fights only for Zabuza. The man has trained Naruto, fed him, protected him, and treated him like a son—almost. Naruto never had to be alone again.

So, naturally when Zabuza asked Naruto to kill for him; he did. Naruto was nine, and he killed three of Zabuza’ s enemies. That was only the start. Naruto has become a powerful killing machine, who’s strength can rival a trained Jonin from any village. Naruto lives for Zabuza, and he’ll gladly die for him.

Twelve Years Old

Naruto is twelve when it happens. Zabuza went off to fight some people from Naruto’s old village, and he was hurt—bad. Its boiled Naruto’s insides, completely. He’s now attending to Zabuza’ s wounds.

“I can go find them now and kill them.” Naruto simply states. He hated having to wear that mask and fake kill Zabuza. It was more painful than anything. Instead of concealing his own chakra, Naruto wanted to release it and do damage. He should have.

“Focus on healing me first.” Zabuza winces in pain. "Kakashi didn't go easy on me."

“Fine.” Naruto relents as he takes a warm cloth and puts it on Zabuza’s head. “When that cloth gets cool, take it off. I’ll back with some healing herbs.” Naruto warns.

Naruto leaves and goes out to the woods to find the necessary herbs. He gathers what he needs in silence, only wishing he could find the members from his ex-village and kill them. He doesn’t even know who those people are. It’s like he’s blacked out all memories of the Leaf village; only remembering the pain. No faces.

Getting back to Zabuza, it takes three days for the man to heal enough to be back at 90% of his former strength. It’s enough. Zabuza stretches and they’re off. Naruto places the mask on his face like Zabuza requested and when they arrive to the bridge, Naruto takes out four men. He doesn’t kill them, just makes sure they aren’t able to continue.

Before Naruto can get to the master bridge builder, a jonin level shinobi and some other little genin’s are standing in the way of the bridge builder. Naruto feels like he knows these people but at the same time he doesn’t. It’s an odd feeling.

Zabuza walks to the man with silver hair. He glares and the two men just stand frozen.

“Kakashi.” Zabuza says the name slowly. “Playing the same tired tricks again, I see.” Zabuza is referring to the fact that it seems like this Kakashi person is revealing his once covered eye.

“Only because it works, or else you wouldn’t look so nervous.” Kakashi says in a snark tone. Naruto resists the urge to stand in front of Zabuza. Naruto is strong. He could take this Kakashi down, easily.

“Even if you try to stop me, you won’t be able to stop him.” Zabuza points to Naruto. This is his cue. Naruto drops down onto all fours.

“Don’t be too sure about that.” Kakashi smirks. “Sasuke, you take care of him. Sakura, you protect the bridge builder. Sai should be coming soon.” Sasuke. That name rings in Naruto’s ears but he has no idea why. Even if he once knew this kid, it doesn’t matter. He’ll die by Naruto’s hands.

This Sasuke kid is pretty fast. He rushes Naruto and flings shuriken, after shuriken. Naruto dodges them all with ease and even yawns to show how bored he is. This seems to fuel Sasuke as his speed increases and he leans back to release a fire ball.

It takes Naruto by surprise. He dodges the fireball only to be met with another shuriken. Annoyed, drops down to all fours again and feels his nine tails chakra taking over. He’s just using the chakra at this point, not threatened enough to force a tail.

This, however, makes Kakashi freeze.

“Naruto.” The man whispers. Zabuza uses Kakashi’s sudden shock to strike the man. Naruto freezes himself. Does that man know me? Naruto thinks to himself.

“Focus on killing that bridge maker.” Zabuza shouts. Naruto nods and shakes away thoughts. He allows the chakra to take over and he rushes at Sasuke. The kid can’t dodge fast enough and Naruto strikes.

He hates killing. He does. He thinks life is precious. But his life belongs to Zabuza and as long as Zabuza tells him to kill, he will. Sasuke crying out in pain does draw Zabuza’s attention long enough for Kakashi to get the upper hand.

The damned silver haired man cripples Zabuza’s arms. It fuels Naruto with hate. How dare anyone hurt Zabuza. That man is Naruto’s savior. He’s the only reason Naruto is even alive right now.

Naruto sees red. He lets out an angry roar and a tail appears, and then another one. He charges at Kakashi and strikes. The man is quick, and Naruto strikes a water clone. Frustrated, Naruto’s mind becomes fuzzy. He sees only red. He doesn’t know friend or foe at this point.

He slashes at anything moving. It takes a blow to his side for him to come back to reason. He slashed at Zabuza and Zabuza had to strike him with his sword. Blood is coming out of Zabuza’s mouth and Naruto covers his mouth with his hands as he rushes over to Zabuza’s side.

“I’m sorry.” Naruto cries. Zabuza can’t talk. Too much blood pouring out. “I’m sorry. You got hurt and I lost control.” Zabuza spits up more blood. “Kakashi help him.” Naruto demands as he glares through his mask. “Help him.” Naruto pleads. “I can’t do healing jutsu’s so please.”

Kakashi seems frozen, like his body doesn’t want to work.

“Are you Naruto?” The man questions with hesitance. He slowly walks to Naruto and takes off the mask. The Sasuke kid and Sakura girl both cover their mouths. Naruto levels his eyes in a glare as his one tail threatens to become two again—having lessened after worrying over Zabuza.

“Help him.” Naruto demands. “He called you Kakashi, right? So, Kakashi help him.” Naruto demands. Kakashi blinks and nods—placing his hands over Zabuza’s wound. He does a healing jutsu that seems to work enough to get Zabuza to sit up on his own.

“Thank you.” Naruto whispers as he holds Zabuza close. “Come on, we’re leaving.” Naruto helps Zabuza stand.

“Wait.” Kakashi reaches for Naruto. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere since you left that day.” Kakashi states. “Last I heard you were by the village Hidden in the Mist. But to see you right before my eyes. I never thought I’d see the day.” The man actually looks teary eyed a little bit.

“Come on Zabuza.” Naruto ignores the man completely. “Let’s get you healed. Forget about the bridge maker. I’ll heal you then come and kill everyone myself.”

“What happened to you?” The Sakura girl shouts—eyes watery. “You were such a prankster kid and now you’re a monster.”

“Now I’m a monster?” Naruto shouts as he turns to face her. “That village bullied me. They left me alone. They were cruel. I had nobody. I had no family, no friends, no food. No one, and nothing. They called me a monster. I wasn’t a monster. I was a little kid. But now? You don’t know the meaning of the word.”

“You’re right.” Kakashi speaks up. “We failed you as a village. But we won’t anymore. Please, come back. Naruto, you belong with us.”

“I live for Zabuza.” Naruto repeats the mantra.

“How could you say that?” Sakura screams at him. “How could you live for a man who doesn’t care about human life?”

“Did you care about human life when you allowed him to be cast out?” Zabuza grits his teeth as he fights off the pain. “Did you care about human life when he was alone, crying? When he was being bullied? When he was being told to die? No, I’m sure you were just doing the same as everyone else in your village.”

Sakura doesn’t respond. Naruto didn’t expect her to. He really doesn’t remember her. Everyone from the village are just blurs at this point. Only thing on his mind is Zabuza.

“Come back with us.” Kakashi steps forward, hand reaching out. “You belong in the Leaf village. I can explain everything but just take a leap of faith. The village wronged you, yes. But it’ll be different.”

“Ha.” Naruto scoffs. “As if you could control me.” Naruto flashes his red chakra before reigning it in control—just wanting to show his strength.

“Do you want to know who put that beast inside of you?” Kakashi covers up his eye again. “I can tell you anything you want to know. I can make sure you aren’t alone again. We’ve failed you and I’m sorry. Naruto, I’m sorry.”

Naruto hesitates. That’s when Gato shows up with a massive group of men, all armed—all rogue ninjas. Naruto groans and Zabuza grits his teeth.

“Some demon you are.” Gato gleams—arm still in a sling from when Naruto broke it after the man got too rough with Zabuza. “Look at you, all crippled now. In case you couldn’t guess, our contract is over.”

“Ha.” Zabuza laughs. “Kakashi, I guess your bridge builder is safe. I no longer work for Gato.” Naruto looks to Kakashi and then back to Zabuza.

“I’ll triple the pay to anyone who can bring me his head.” Gato shouts. Hundreds of men start shouting as they rush the scene. Zabuza grabs his sword but can barely grip it. Naruto pushes him out the way and drops to all fours.

Naruto allows is chakra to coat him and a tail appears. He blacks out. When he comes to all the rouge ninjas are dead, and so is Gato. Naruto is covered in blood, and breathing hard. He knows his eyes are wild.

“Naruto.” Zabuza looks to the boy. “Go back with Kakashi.” Zabuza places his sword on his back. “Your journey ends here. Go back to your village.”

“How could you say that?" Naruto demands to know. “You find an opportunity to get rid of me and you take it? You can’t toss me to the side that easily. You’re all I know.” Naruto shouts his anger, and hurt.

“You just slaughtered a hundred men without blinking an eye.” Zabuza shouts back. “You’re twelve years old. As much as I hate Kakashi, at least with him I know you’ll be alright. If your village betrays you again come find me. We’ll kill them all together.”

“You…you can’t.” Naruto’s throat feels like it’s closing up. “You can’t do this.” Zabuza starts walking away from Naruto. “Come back here Zabuza.” Naruto demands as Kakashi comes and grips Naruto tight. “Come back here!” He demands again, tears falling down.

Truthfully, Naruto could break free of the hold but he chooses not to. He lives for Zabuza, and he would die for Zabuza. This is Zabuza’s final wish; for Naruto to live for himself. It hurts more than anything else could possibly.

Naruto falls to the ground as Zabuza walks off into the distance. Naruto’s heart breaks in two.

“Come.” Kakashi whispers but the words fall to dead ears. “Let’s go home.”

“I have no home.” Naruto mumbles with a numbness he’s never experienced before. “I’ll never call the Leaf my home.” Naruto promises.

“Good.” Sasuke sneers. “We don’t want a shinobi in our village who would betray us.”

“Enough!” Kakashi shouts to Sasuke, who looks shocked. “It’s not that simple. What happened to Naruto was horrible and while the village welcomed you, Sasuke, as some kind of God; they tossed Naruto to the side as some kind of monster. You would never understand.”

Sasuke looks annoyed and turns his head away while another person walks up to them all.

“I protected the family and village from some men.” This strange person states. “Who is he?”

“This is Naruto.” Kakashi introduces. “He was once a member of the Leaf, and we’re bringing him back with us. Naruto, this is Sai. That’s Sasuke, and she is Sakura.” Naruto hums, not caring.

"Naruto.” This Sai person looks calculating. “The runaway the Hokage spent years looking for? You’re not very impressive.” Naruto is torn between wanting to kill this Sai person to being surprised. The Hokage spent years looking for Naruto?

“Let’s go.” Kakashi simply sighs. He places a hand in the middle of Naruto’s back and the blonde swallows as he mentally says goodbye to everything he’s ever known. This is going to be a new chapter in his life. The only thing certain right now, is that Naruto will always live for Zabuza. No matter what happens. It’s all he knows.

Come Back Home - Chapter 1 - fantasyauthor4u (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.